Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1 A'- 4 8 THE DAILY CHRONICLE, MARION INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, PAGES. When you a GOOD SMOKE keep the Jefferson 5C. Cigar mi Uppermost in your mind. Ask your dealer for it. DUNCAN M.

STANSBURY, Sole Distributor, south side square. Ze VALUE FOR Is our rule, which must finally obtain in all transactions. You may fool the people now and then in cheap Wall Paper but the firm who gives full value for your money is the one that wins permanent prosperity. Call and see us. BIRELEY 418 South Washington Street.

On SODA SPENCER HOUSE DRUG STORE. IN THE LEAD! The HALLADAY BICYCLE will beat any. horse living. It is mores healthful, more cconomical and less bother than any horse ever thought of being. It is a model mount.

It doesn't run away from or break down with timid ladies. It is strong, staunch, artistic. Oh! what's the use of talking? Come in and look at it. L4 L. P.


A. Grounds, Near Fifth and Washington streets. All work entrusted to our care done in workmanlike manner and at the lowest living prices. THE RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE FOR LAWN GRASS RAKES GRASSES FERTILIZER SHEARS I MOWERS 1 our specials New Departure high and low wheel. New Champion.

Our prices always the lowest. 1F MARION HARDWARE CO. FLy 8. THE GOSSIP. THE GOSSIP.

it is impossible, in a one night stand, to prepare for two per: fortuadces of the very elaborate production. Mrs. Harriet Halla lay is slightly indisposed, notions, The J. 1 8' Linton stock of dry gods, la and gents' furnih ng Miss Estelle Harding, a teacher at school. house, has the measles.

Her placeis filled by. Miss Elsie Freeman, a cadet. mi Miss Vina Collins, the school teacher, is ill. Mrs. S.

Malott supplies her Miss Lou Philips was sick yesterday morning and dismissed her room in the city schools. The Y. P. S. C.

E. wil! meet at Peru May 5 to 7, John Marshall has returned from Bluffton after a visit with relatives. John Huber is at Milo, Ind, cal'ed there by the fact of his brother's seri ous sickness. Miss Ollie Hadley has returned, to her home at West Milton after a short visit with the family of Frank Bal lard. Littie Dottie Singer is ill with the measles at her home on South son street.

Patrolman Henry Ires is replaced on the force for a time by Substitute Massena. Henry is suffering with erysipelas in the foot. James Booth came come yesterday from Martinsville. J. B.

Ross, Big Four station agent, returned yesterday from Winchester. Chas. Shiffman, employed at Gep. hart's, was married at 5 o'clock this afternoon to Miss Nellie Doyle at her home at Kalamazoo. Mich.

The young couple will arrive in Marion the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. Landesburg and Miss Rosa leo Sales returned yesterday from Louisville. The little daughter of Chief of Po lice Marsh is ill with the measles.

Miss Sadie Mars is expected home Saturday from South Bend, where she has been visiting friends. Little Lucy Thom is again at school after an attack of Ethel Curran has recovered from the measles.The Misses Lydia and Ella Dwiggins have returned froni Rensselaer, Where they attended the funeral of a relative. Frazee is out again after hav ting the measles. The first bill car for Barnum Bailey's show caule in last night and is sidetracked in the Big. Four yards.

degree J.D. in Stoner will take the recond the K. of tonight. Bob Hutton takes the third degree. A brick walk has been placed at the front of Butler Kidd's barn on Ad: ams street.

It was very much needed. Alleys in many parts of town are undergoing a cleaning." Let the good work go on, Walter L. Main's circus will come here from Anderson next: Saturday. Those who meet the train must early that morning. II Johnson was at Indianapolis yesterday.

The Irving club held a regular meeting last night at the Presbyterian church. The A C. A. club and Sopho mores will play ball at the Second street grounds tonight after school. They will have a game Friday with the Seniors.

Gus Dietz of the Erans factory left yesterday for Pittsburg, called by the illness of his mother. Curt Walters is working at the Sol. 'diers' Home on the plumbing in the new barracks. Mrs. Rebecca Scott of Wabash, who has been visiting the family of Wm.

Stroud here, is seriously ill with lung fever at the Stroud Miss Lou Bond, stenographer for J. B. Crosby, visited at Couverse Sunday and Monday. There was a social at the home of Frank Jones, on the corner of Seventeenth and Washington streets, last night. It was.

a and thou" social. The Big Four pay car will be along through Marion about Thursday forepoon. John W. Miles, David 8. login and G.

C. Harwood went to Anderson this morning to attend a session of the grand commandery. Venters is here from Kokomo, where he was some time ago employed by the Clinton hotel. Joseph Clayton is at Chicago on business E. Breed has gone south for a short time, and will return from Flor ida, accompanied by Mrs.

Breed and child. C. E. Barney was at Wabash yes terday. Dr.

8. Pagin of Valparaiso, is in the city calling on friends. Frank Krein, of Copemisb. was here when the Krein fac tory was located. The ladies' society of the German Lutheran church gave a social this afternoon at the parsonage.

Charles Timony has decided to remain in Marion. Miss Alice Smith has returned to Portland, after a pleasant visit here She was accompanied home by Mrs: I Allen Messick has the measles. The matinee of "Shore Acres" at White's opera house Saturday is declared off. as goods, which has been closed for about six weeks, and recently placed in the bands of G. P.

Butterworth as receiver, will. be opened for business Saturday next. Terwiiliger, for many Jears with Holman Reeves, has severed his connection with that' 6rm. Miss Cora Powers, of Clifford, Can. bas arrived for a visit with the family of W.

A. Powers, a brotber. 3 "Robert Bennett of Indianapolis is preparing to locate here. He is brickmason. Edgar Sayres, son 'of Mr.

and Mrs. Joel Sayres, is a recent. victim of Isles. John Robbins, who is, here. from Colorado, visiting his brother, J.

C. Robbins, is serjously sick with mea: sles. Mrs. Wm. Dick saw the air ship -Monday night, when it disappeared rapidly toward Wabash.

The family of A. J. Harter is removing today from: West -Third street to the corner of Branson and Secona streets. Magician Kellar is at the Spencer hotel. 3 Mrs.

Nellie Steele will entertain the thimble social of the Baptist church ladies afternoon at the home of G. 11. Slater. A Anna Newman is ill with the, measles. Miss Ethel Collins has the measles Mrs.

B. Darby and daughter, Juliet, of Converse are visition Mrs. Oyia Comer of South Boots eet. Mrs. R.

HI, Frank and daughter, Gertrude, are sick. Little Georgia McGetrick is recoverTing from a casa of measles. J. T. Clay born is out again, after a short sickness, The Seniors' base ball team of the high school defcateds the Sophis.

terday 10 to 7. vi May Sorder of Adams, and Tenth streets is ill with the measles, Tom Mahaffey returned today from -Pittsburg. Mrs. Mahalley continued her visit. Wilt show for: 25 Cents.

(WIll Dell At Metall. Walter L. Main's circus, the admission to which is usually 50 cents, will show in this city for 25 cants, and the town was plastered today with notices to that effect. shows, which come on the 281h, were advertising heavily, asking the public to await for their cheaper show, and the is made to meet the La Pearl combina: tion, which threa ened to by serious. More Air Ship Stories.

And now. comes, W. IT. Barr, who is a substantial living a few miles, north of Montpelier, a regular church goer and a man of most exemplary. habits and reputation, says that shortly after 1 o'clock Monday morning the strange.

air ship aligbted in one of his fields and that he fed the occupants, receiving fromthem $18. On Next Mouday. The first term of the Grant super or court will close next Saturday, and on the following Monday Judge Brownlee will go to Kokomo and hold the first term of the Howard superior court. Gilbert Butter worth, receiver forthe James Linton stock of goods, was ordered this morning by Judge Brown. lee to sell the goods at retail or private sale.

The Columbia bicycle is known every where as the "Standard of the Worid." It is ou extibiuou at Frank Alexander's tailor shop, 112 Weal Fourth street. 821d2; The largest stock and handsomest carpels at the lowest price at Watson Mclutire's. a17d4w SUMMER OUTINGS. HOME-SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts. The principal places of summer sojourn the along the Avantic Ocean, inhe nie-, Adirondacks, Catekitis.

and Dour tanis of Li East, and in the lake and NorthMichigau and the Northwest, may be readily r-ached over the Lines. -pecto1 tut rinat on regarding the le. ding resorts all the advantages ed in jour ing to them over the Pennsylvania Route has been comp.len and printed an convenient orm. The matter 18 protusely Inu trated pho reproductions of Capo scenes, nod includes views at Atlantic City May, Branch and other resorts 10. the All indie Coust; also of Creeson, Bedford Springs and mountalu re.

treats, and or Mackinac, and the Summer havens in Michigan Bud the Northwest, will Persons contemplating summer outing tripe find it a. a vainable wuinto in ebaplue pro Copies may be obtained by ad. resing Geo F. Huckwoll, District Agent, Indiana polis, Ind. turtl Via Big Four--One Fare Plus $2 and.

$5 for Round Trip. To 'Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky. Louisiana, Mississippi, North and Houth Car. Tennessee, Vir Inia, Arizona, Arkan. as, Colorado.

Indian Territory, lowa, Kan. Missouri, New Lexico, North and Houth Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah. Wisconsin and Mareb 31 and 10th, April 6th and 20th, May 41 18th, according to location. Call on or Id roes ageuts Four. tray18 EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION, Toronto, July 11 to 18.

BIG FOUR ROUTE. The "181g Four Route" will name Special dation to ea for convention and culls at. cap riority of it trim P. orla, Columbus, via Toledo and Pal to Toronto, lars. Abu Apply for full particuThe most exquisio paverns in car.

pets at Watson clatire's. i SHOE 4, SALE! Our entire stock ladies' shoes, custom made, warranted, black vici kid, all new shapes, up-todate, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes, all go at $2.00. Also all of our custom made $2.00 quality, latest styles, go. at $1.50. All warranted shoes.

BLUMENTHAL CO. Stop to Consider Groceries Groceries a it is not better to purchase your groceries: Trom us at the low prices, we name than to pay more for inferior goods elsewhere. We keep everything in our stock of a standard quality, and every one agrers that we fill the bill 10 their, entire sat sfaction for excellence, low prices and prompt service at al 'times. We especially want to inform our customers that we have secured the sale in. Marion of CERESOTA FLOUR a lower is a high grade spring wheat flour.

and will sell it to which price than you can buy other high grade flours. Try it: trade at the We have it: Postum Cereal. Postum Cereal. Postum Cereal. H.

BESHORE RE Corner Fourth and Washington Streets. Phone 140, old line. 323 new line. WHY out give of your Pictures to be Enlarged 10 agents, or' send them studio city, when you cans have them made in our the and see the work as it progresses. All kinds of fine large work.

DEXHEIMER, The Photographer 1180 Am Square. A Gallery Northeast Corner Eastern Star, Indiana polls, Big Four will Train, eell on April 20, 27 and 28, 'or morning tickets good to return until: May 1Ft, for $475. Grant monument ceremonial. New York April 27. Big Four will sell tickets for round $25.

Gond on April 21. and 20, and good to return leaving New York until May 4th 1a20 ou cale at Big Four A Discourt. Kentucky, Tennessee, Mi. lasippi, Alabama, Wieroneln, Minnesota anc Michigan. For dates, rates add routes cali on event His Four.

marl 1.0 0. May F. 17.20. Rehrkah Four Assembly, Indiana on May 17. will round trip until May 18 and 10, good returning 21, for $2.05.

tml0 Grand 151g 4 Lodze will A. sell F. A. Indianapolis, and round trip tick: ton Mar 24 clusive 26, good -until Nay 27 11- tor $4.05, 11n24 21 and Knights 22, H'g Templar will at Anderson, April 4 sell round trip tickets going Inclusive April for 20 and 20, return until April 23 95 cents. tal 21.26.

M. C. A. Convention, Mobile, April tickets on Dig 4 April for round trip until 10, 20 and 21, good to return May 2nd, 1897. I Eastern 31g 4 StAr will Chapter, Indiarapolla.

April und trip tickets on. Auril 20 and 97, returning until May 1 sive for $2 78. ta37 Alumni Jone Indiana 15th. University, Bloomington, tickets on June 12, BIg 4 will sell round trip 13 and 14, good forreturn until June 10 for $3.90. 1314 and 7, Big 4 will sell round trip tickets May Day 6 Y.

P. 8. O. E. convention, Peru, a 5 $1.00 and 3, good returning until May 8th, for tmi faro for Wallace's Cirens, Anderson.

April 0. round via BI Four $1.30. Richmo A. K. C.

State Encampment, sell round May 12 and 13, Big 4 will wond trip on May 10, and 12. $1.60. to returu until May 14 inclusive, for tro'3 Big Four The great southern exposition has created great intel throughout the country wnd App ications are being made as to the best route to reach this greet -outliern cly. 114 Four haa the best line from the FaRt, with New York, through train service to Cincinnati from Columbus: Boston, leveland and from Detroit. Toledo and Sundusky 10 Cino unnel; and from and ton liarborto Cmolnnail and Fret connections are with do C.

will 1. N. Full information be cheerfully given upon application. TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL, Nashville, May 1st to Nov. 1st.


August, 1897.. BIG FOUR ROUTE. The "Bie Four Route" tirell known to the all In Blue" and 1A their In vorin route to National The Very Low br Rate of Ox PAT ench will In on all parts of at 4 la, St. through Louts, train Lonterillo, to Buffalo from wad ton. C'olumbus Toledo vin or vi Detroit has placed the in the lead.

Full 1e given by any agent upon application. re DR. W. J. CARIER, Catarrh and Lung Diseases.

Diseases of Women, Genito- Urinary and Kectal Diseases. Adams and 4th the at our ed. Notice in hereby elven that The will pelt in bulk vi AN the estate of Jacob thimore, a ter rot forth at praised value tor thereof (ael al not less than the apand for the best advan. tage of enid catate on SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1807, at of 3026 Marion, South Grant Washington street. in the city o'clock property, ID the warre.

alternoon, all personal county, Indiare, ture and so. furniand mentioned I ow in on his band- as such as. inclurice of the Inventory pages and one (1) to lie perperty fled by told in the now per nt ot Jacob oIlmore. Grant do the Grant Court in that said county, Tudlana: provide d. jarcele property und that will be auld in two eeparorty covered by a certain portion ot propone iron Thomas executed by said Jacob Glimoro to chattel morigage wale kubie will be fret offered for any bidders to said morgas Ar.d fr there he will be therefor then that the same the Immediatel; offered 1or Eula and that the portion of said will be sold without Auld regard mortgage to paid la not mortgage.

a lien on which AMARA April 90. 1807. dit CONTRACT NOTICE. SALE NOTICE. The school board of the town of bios Grant for the connty, diana, will receive sealed to be bullt costruction of a six- room echool completed in all town, the mama to he by September 1st.

1897, and to bar constructed in now on accordance wits with the plan- and nt the Achool boar I. Ale secretary Ale and wil be bids are 10 ba on 1507, at 10 o'clock opened n. on All the ash day of Muy, 111, bids are ho Jars no with a bond of one hundred dolCrAsful bidder wit of good and the sun. in the sum'or ten he required and to bond faithful performance dollars for the The hoard the right to of duties. or all bids.

By order of the Ay any April 21, D. I'. LONG, Treas. BIG 4 FOUR ROUTE EAST. WEST, NORTH or SOUTH Leave Anderson Marion for at 0 p.

m. Direct connection York and Boston. 19:21 Cleveland, p. in. train for Noir point in mouth.

went, southwest and south. c*nt via 1 I and phis. At. Louis. connections for Main blo Richnond, Frice to all and D), C.

New Harbor. Michigan resorts via isenton All wool ingrain, 'body brussels; velvets and maquette carnate bargailys at Watson McIntire'r. A A at apand as. to in to he 1..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Marion Indiana? ›

The Chronicle-Tribune is a morning newspaper for Marion, Indiana and surrounding areas.

What is the largest newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

The Indianapolis Star is the largest paper in Indiana.

Does Monticello Indiana have the newspaper? ›

Monticello Herald Journal | Monticello IN.

What is the newspaper in Bedford Indiana? ›

Times-Mail | Local News, Politics & Sports in Bedford, IN.

What was the name of the first Indianapolis Black newspaper and when did it start? ›

In 1865, Samuel G. Smother opened a grocery store, and later in 1879 The Indianapolis Leader was the first African American-owned newspaper in Indy.

What newspaper has the largest daily circulation? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

What is the name of the newspaper in Anderson Indiana? ›

The Herald Bulletin
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherBeverly Joyce
Headquarters1133 Jackson Street, Anderson, Indiana 46016 United States
Circulation24,361 daily
4 more rows

Does Martinsville Indiana have a newspaper? ›

Reporter-Times: Local News, Politics & Sports in Martinsville, IN.

What is the name of the Houston newspaper? ›

Founded in 1901, the Houston Chronicle was acquired by Hearst in 1987.

What is the name of the newspaper in Johnstown? ›

The Tribune-Democrat | Johnstown PA.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.