Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


NO. 94. WE ARE DISPLAYING Many Useful Christmas Presents In every department of our store. Such as Dress Goods, Umbrellas, Cloaks, Underwear, Shoes, Gloves, Clothing, Neckwear, Hats, Hosiery, Mackintoshcs. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES.

Goldthait Sons. PROBABILITIES -Fair, colder. Nineteen For the remainder of this weck wo will sell the following well known brands of PACKAGE COFFEE at prices that defy competion: Arbuckles, per Lion, per package. A 19c 10c McLaughlins XXXX. WHY PAY MORE? Remember, these prices are for the remainder of this week only.

These are a few of the many bargains we have for you. SWAYZEE BROS. HUNTER of Low Phone 191. All orders. receive pro upt attention: I'will show you the STANSBURY Iri Pipes, ULTRA and Cigar at the Holders, lowest Fine Agures STANSBURY'S, SWELL Smokings ever seen and in McClure Smokers' Marion.

THING Souvenirs, Block. 1:29 East Fourth street, hom*o It Is Over. 1 The Christmas rush for 1 this year is a thing of the past. We desire to thank our many patrons for their liberal patronage, and assure them that in the future as in the past our best efforts will be to please YOU KNOW IF YOU ALWAYS IT IT BUY OF RIGHT BLAKE Money to Loan. In sums front $10 up, on all kinds of personal property of substantial value, such as store and fixtures, pianos, organs, and good houschold furniture in general, without removing same.

Also on diamonds watches, ole. Payments made weekly, or monthly. AS suits the borrower. Business confdontial. THE MARION LOAN Room 1, White Block, Marion Ind People's Chattel Loan Office, over Harwood's Bazaar, Washington street, n6d-3m On furniture, pianos, diamonds and, articles of value, at P'eople's Chattel Loan Office, over Earwood's Baattir, Washington Go to Wigger's for Christmas prosnty.

Money to Loan Laci 5 FLOODS SUBSIDING. Damage to Property. Along Missouri Rivers, Will JEFFERSON CITY, Deo. Osage, Gasconade and Moreau river floods are subsiding and last night the weather was clear. Communication was established with tho Gasconado in tho eveniug.

The entire Osage valley for 100 miles is a scene. of great excitement and dosolation, as dozens of families have lost everything. It is thought thy loss by the floods will reach $2,000,000. Bagnell, the end the Leban branch of the Missouri Pacific, the river is three miles wide and no train has boon able to get within a mile and half of the town for four days. At Tuscumbia, the county sent of Miller, a terrible condition exists, nearly the entire town is ander water.

Only the roofs of many buildings, tho post office among them, can be scon. At Baguell the river is higher even than during the famous flood of 1884. The suffering of the people whoso land property has boen devastated will uudoubtedly be terrible this winter. 10 OLD MEN CAUSED TROUBLE. Strikers Claimed the Traction Company Was Violating the Agreement.

PITILADELITIA, Doo. street railway trouble broko afrush rostorday, but was quickly quelled and curs aro again running as While it lasted several cars were stonod and thoir dows smashed, but nobody was hurt. The diffoulty occurred on Girard nuo, the charging that tho division superintondent, in sending out cars yesterday morning, violated their agreement of Monday by giving prefer01100 to the non-union mon. The old employer gathered togethor and after watching the cars going out for some timo with imported motormen and doctors they started a revolt. Obatrugworo placed on the traoka and a mob of 10,000 people gathered and began to stone the cars.

A squad of mounted polico was callod to the scono. In a short fow timo arrosts tho had mob boon was dispersed Second and Third streets line WAM also after a in trouble for 11 little while from tho same cause, but pence was restorod on both branches by tho company agrocing to put the old muon to work. On tho othor lines cars run almost alto. gothor by old men nucl thoro was no trouble. All wore running usual Inst night without molestation.

Co to. Wigger's for trunks and valises. 1 b- ARE STILL ADVANCING Spanish Troops Unable to Check the Victorious Cubans. INSURGENTS NEAR HAVANA, of the rapid advance of the insurgent army upon Havana, after forcing its way through the province of S.unta Clara aud into the province of Matanzas, in spite of the efforts of Captain General Martinez do Canipos and about 80,000 troops at his disposal in the territory traversed and invaded. The reported important battlo, between the Spaniards under Campos and the insurgents at Coliseo plantation, 12 miles from Cardenas, does not appear to have been a very severe Vlotories of General Campos Have Virtdally Been Defeats For the the Cubans Hare Managed to Gain Their Point- Remarkable Feat Accomplished by Gomez.

HAVANA, Dec. 26. -Further details reached hero yesterday from Matanzas Cardenas is a seaport, quite, an important place for Cuba, of about 4,000 inhabitants, and is only 21 miles from Matanzas, capital of the province of that name and the largest town between Cardenas and Havana. The Spanish forces do not appear to have encountered the main body of the insurgents, as at first announced. The fight was between a portion of the northern insurgent column, and instead of turning out to be a great victory for the Spaniards, the result of the engagement was virtually a defeat for Campos' forces, for the Cuban army pushed onward unchecked and is still advancing on this city.

The fighting took place amid burning cane, underwood, tall grass and trees and was of the usual guerrilla nature. The Cubans, following their customary tactics, seemed to melt away into the distance 60 soon as the troops got within sighting distance of them and nearly all the firing was at very long range, although the soldiers made several gallant charges through the burning torritory. This style of fighting is termed a defeat of the insurgents; but, as they succeeded in accomplishing their object, holding the Spaniards in check while the Cuban army pushed on the result was really a Cuban victory. After the battle of Coliseo the insar. it is definitely moved rapidly westward, passing to the south of Limonaro while some of them were engaged with troops commanded "by Campos.

The Cuban army went by Coliseo, Madan, Tosca and Sumidero, burning several plantations as they swept onward. Retribucion plantation, one of those burned, is situated between Gunnaba and Ybarra, closo to the south of Matanzas, proving, beyond donbt that the Cubaus continued their inarch on Ilavana, for Ybarra is woll to the westward of Guanaba, where Campos passed the night. The iusurgents are believed to have camped not far from the two lines of railroad running close together between Aquarate and Matanzas, connecting Havana with roundabout Matanzus via Jaruco, and, by a more way, via Guines and Bejacal. Tho scouts are reported to have been seen, near San Francesco de Paula, less 50 miles from Havana, to the west of Santa Ana and not far from the most southerly of the two railroads connecting Havana with. Matauzas, be and far the behind Cuban them.

advance Between guard the insurgents and Havana there is only 0110 town of importance, Jaruco, and it is an open question whether Campos get there from Guanaba or Matan: zus, whor* he is supposed to be, bofore the Cubans have passed that point. Even the most stubborn Spanish offi. 87. cers agreo that the march of Gomez and Macco across Santa Clara and Matanzas is a most romarkablo military feat to have accomplished within three rocks and in spite of all the forces Spain could throw across their path. RAIDING PLANTATIONS, Goneral Gomes and Ilis Army Destroying Spain's Source of Revenue.

NEW YORK, Deo. dispatch to The- World from Havana says: It is now positirely stated that the insurgent. raid is ended. Gomez and Marco are retreating as rapilly as possiblo into Cioniamo de Zapita, on the southern border. Alter the engagement with the column leal by (teneral Campos, at Colicco 011 tho evening of Dec.

23, Gomez moved in; nearly southern direction a distance of 20 miles and occupied Navajas, a point on the southern division of the United Railway systom. about 12 miles noarly east of Union do Lo3 Reyes, an inportant center. Macco moved westward to Sabanilla, town on the railway from Matanzas to Union, distance about six milos from the lattor place. General Suarez Valdez, moving across the country with 0 qual speed, occupied Union do Loa Royes Tuorday night. The objoot of Gomez and Macco was to destroy the rich sugar in the country to which they moved.

Some ones are thero. Tho insurgent leaders appear to havo no other purpose than to prevent sugar SHOT BY A MPANIARD. Cubans at Ybor CIty, Fired on l'er Shonting For Their Doo. Bermaudoz, 11 Cuban, wan shot lite Tiesday night by Spaniard in Ybor City. A party of Cubans were strolling, whom a cried.

"Vigo Espan;" Cubans the cry for Cuba, I A LOOK THROUGH OUR LINE OF BY THE USE OF LEMON TONIC LAXATIVE perfect health is maintained by expelling from the body the decayed product of digestion. Constipation, with the terrible results following the absorpion of excreta, is, quickly relieved by LEMON TONIC LAXATIVE. The refreshing properties derived from Lemons with the Tonic and Laxative principles of select vegetable products form an. elegant tasting liquid Laxaive. Ladies will find it of priceless ralue.

cases of supposed. Uterine Enlargement prove to be. bowel. accumulations. Geutlemen will find it productive of Appetite, Energy aud Clear Brain, a certain cure for Indirestion, Headache and Biliousness.

LARGE BOTTLES, 50. AT ALL whereupon the Spaniard shot into the crowd. Hernandez was struck in the abdomen, causing slight iujary. Theats were made yesterday by both Spaniards and Cabans, and trouble was feared last night. The vigilance of the police probably averted it.

A nogro was also the victim of the shooting. Stray bullets inflicted a mortal wound in his head from which he died yesterday. MISTAKEN FOR A BURGLAR. Professor Saunders jot Jackson, Shot by His Nephew. Dec.

Charles R. Young last shot and killed his uncle, Professor Lawrence Saunders, mistak. ing him for a burglar. Professor Saunders, who for many years has been teacher in the state deaf and dumb institute, was disguised as Santa Claus, and visiting his sister's hom*o knocked for admittance. Charles Young asked who was at the door and, receiving no, reply be fired, the ball passing through the door and killing Saunders instantly.

Professor Saunders is a brother of World's Fair Commissioner Saunders of" Mississippi and is well known throughout the country. WANTS TO BE SENATOR. McKeen Dope Not Take Kindly to the Offer of the Governorship. INDIANAPOLIS, Doc. 20.

The: effort that some of the Republican politiciau3 have boon making the last few days to persuade William R. McKeen to withdraw from the senatorial race and be. come a candidate for gorornor is said to have been a failure. Friends of Mr. McKeen here announco that he will not abandon his intention to be a caudidate for the sonatorship.

The effort to putt Mr. Me Keen off' tho track was in the interest of harmony. Some of the party leaders fear that the senatorial contest, which is taking out come unpleasant features, may endanger the success of the party in the state next your. Decided For the Dotendanta. KALAMAZOO, Dec.

Buck of Kalamazoo circuit court yesterday decided in favor of the defendants in the ejectment case of the executors of the estate of Lucy W. S. Morgan against Wilfred Fames, This case is one of tho several ponding in Detroit and in Watertown (N. courts, volving atr estate valued at $3,000,000. Frauds are alleged in; the settlement of tho estate.

British Still Patronize Our Industrica. OKLAHOMA CITY, O. Dec. William Connor, son' of a member of the British parliament has secured a divorce here from his wife, Emma -nor, 011 tho grounds of incompatibility of tomper and neglect of duty. Mrs.

Counor prior 40 her marriage was ing lady of Sir John trompe in England. by Cont Gas. HUMMELSTOWN, Dec. HI. Balsbaugh and wife, who reside near Swatharaat, were found dend in their rooms yesterday from the effects of cond gas from.

defectivo stovepipe. Mr. Balsbangh was a director of the molstown National bankfor many yoars. Shot On A Train. NASHVILLE, Dec.

the sonthbound train 'from to this city. 1 shooting scrape' occurred ucar Farlington Ky, yesterday, and two men are reported" to have beui killed. Thoro was gonoral tight in one of the cars, Christmas Tragedy. la, Dec. 26.

Yesterday John 'Winnegar, a laborer, shot and fatally injured his wifo and then blew out his OWI brains with revolver. Winnogar was insuboly jealous of his wife. lie recently from an asylum. Depew WIll BA the Orator. GALESBURG, M.

Depow has consented to deliver the midress on the occasion of tho colebration, Oct. 7, 1800, of tho aunivorsary of tho Lincolu- Douglas dobato here. For Governor of Ilifuols. SALEM, Doo. 20.

(loneral J. S. Martin of this city has docided to make the race for the Republionu gubernaTorial nomination. Ex -Governor Ira J. Chase, bes lore his death, expressed to cach Christian clergyman in Indiana a bottle of Lemon Tonic Laxative, stating ho had been greatly benefited by it.

Scondv. in this paper. DR. J. J.

KYLE. Practice, limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. -14 and 15, Commercial Club. I Blook. Side Boards, Dining Room Tables and Chairs Will convince you that we have stock to select from, and at prices to suit the closest of buyers.

Open of evenings till Christmas. WATSON M'INTIRE'S. WASHINGTON HOUSE AND FURNISHERS, FIFTH STS. OIL HEATER! Requires less care than the ciamary lamp. Will burn 10 or 12 hours, arc heat 1.

room 15 to 20 feet square. No ode PERFECT COMBUSTION. Get one for your Bed, Smoking- 4 Library, Office or Conservatory. Sold only at ST. JOHN LAWTON'S, 413 South Washington Street.

wti1 Husbands Wanted. That is, I want your attention. See hero now, you have but one wife, and you ought to buy her a nice Solfa Lounge, or a nice Rocker, a nice Banquet Laing, or a fine Clock for Christmas. I have them all, 'as well AN an excollent line of Children's. Rockers, Sleds, Desks, and everything that goes to make up a good line of Holiday Furniture Specialtics.

Come and see me. Remember, I will sell you either for cash, on easy payments, or will exchange new goods for old. There is no excuse for not getting something of me. J. W.

KELLEY, CHARLES BLOCK. Look! Look! -ATTHE "RACKETS" Window Display of CHRISTMAS GOODS! Then come inside and LOOK. Our selections the best, our prices always the lowest. Dolls, Books, Toilet Cases, Musical Albums Without doubt the finest line of beautiful Handkerchiefs for ladies and gentlemen in the city. Ask to see those fine.

Table- Linens with Napkins to. match Elegant Lunch Cloths and Towels, and a great variety of nice. things for Xmas presents. 7. "THE RACKET," South Side Square, Marion.

Indiana N. B. -Store open every night until Christmas. I Blook. 1, i.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.