Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

MARION, CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1938 FIRST AND BEST-'AS USUAL TWO INJURED BY TEAR GAS MUNCIE, July -An exploding tear gas 'bomb slightly -injored two striking em. plores. of the Acme-Lees division plant of the Serrick Corp. in Buford King was gassed and Paul Solsbury was bruised when S. D.

Murphy, company vice-president, allegedly fired the tear gas 2 al them a group of members 6f the "United, Automobile Workers of America approached his car at the gates of the company plant. Special Judge John W. Craig, of Greensburg, announced that he would hold A hearing in Delaware county circuit court here Tuesday on the company's petition for an and. on: a. $50,000 daminjunction, against the union.

The has been closed since. last after unionists charged discrimination against union members. COLORED REPORTS Sommers and choir of the M. F. church, Anderson, will be guests the services Sunday at 3, p.

in. at Allen Temple A. M. church. Rev.

Summers will deliver the address. Choir. practice will he held Friday Allen Temple M. E. church at 7:30 p.

In. A special invitation is extended to the public to attend classes of the Vacation Bible School- being held at the Second Baptist church from 9 to 11 a. m. Rev. Jack E.

Jones, general director of the school will have charge of the commencement exercises, to be held Friday church. Jirs. Alexander: Fisher. whose name was omitted from the is list one of teachers in. an earlier issue, of the instructors of the school.

The Usher board of Allen TemM. F. church will meet tonight at the home of Clarence Faulkner on South Nebraska street. Many of the great battles of history, owe: unlooked-for their turn outcomes in the to weather, which switched the tide of the struggle. JULY CLEARANCE SALE 2 Piece Living ROOM SUITES $4950 But, girls AS LOW AS I thought it 3 Piece BEDROOM was only a SUITES ON $4950 rumor! AS LOW.

AS 8 Piece Dining ROOM LOW 6950 LOUNGING With: Ottoman CHAIRS $2450 AS LOW AS I never dreamed that the new furniture that CaldOccasional well's Furniture Co. F. is CHAIRS each 195 showing was such outand Rockers standing values. It can't 6 be beat. for appearance, KITCHEN style and sturdiness.

CABINETS $2450 The prices too, are very AS LOW AS reasonable, CALDWELL'S Modern FURNITURE NORTH OF PARAMOUNT THEATRE 'CONFESSION' TURNS OUT HOAX William Cole. state patrol chief at Tacoma, announced that a man who gave his name- as Frank Olson, above, thirty had confessed that he kidnaped and killed 10-year-old Charles Mattson Dec. 27, 1936. A superintendent of a state insane hospital said, however. the man was an'inmate.

of the asylum at the time of the kidnaping. PT. ISABEL ITEMS LAFONTAINE ITEMS POINT ISABEL, July 14. -Mr. and Mrs.

Curtis Dailey and family entertained. with a birthday dinner 'Sunday in honor of Mrs. Effie Little, Mrs. Ina Darby and Merle Dale Dailey. Those present were Mr.

and. Mrs. Lawrence Williams and son, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Dailey, Junior Fry and Mr.

and Mrs. Dan. Little, Marion: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dailey and daughter, Dr.

and Mrs. Donald Darby, Peru; Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Darby and family, Lafayette; Mr. and Mrs.

Irvin Smith family, Somerset and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dailey and family, Point Isabel, Afternoon 'callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oden and Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Swim, Amboy, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oden and daughter, Swayzee. Funeral services were held Sunday for the infant daughter of Mr.

and Drs. Lester Wimmer at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Ira. Rybolt.

Mr. and Birs. Kenneth Wines and daughter were dinner guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Karl T.

Wines and daughter. -and Mrs. James Wines. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Martin and daughter were weekend, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hite. HAAG'S QUALITY DRUGS 412 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET Quart. HAAG'S FLY SPRAY 37c FILM FLY TOX- Special! Reg.

75c Pint 49c 8 Hour Service 50c BLACK FLAG 33c Jar DEVELOPING FLIT- 39c Barbasol Quart 41. POWDER. BLACK FLAG LIQUID, 23c $1.00 LARVEXPint 79c Special! Reg. $1.00 5c SULPHUR CANDLES, 6 25c Special! Reg. 25c ANGELUS 25c DAISY FLY 19c Listerine for LIPSTICK POISON FLY PAPER 5c TOOTH 61 Pkg.



H. AYERS HAAG'S SPECIAL SALAD BOWL 50c LUXURIA LADY CREAM ESTHER $1.00 39c CREAM with TOAST 25c MAX CREAMS FACTORS $1.00 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Served Daily CREAM ARMAND'S BLENDED 49 DRESS SHOP OPENS FRIDAY The Val-U Dress Shop, located in the building formerly occupied by the Tru- Value Dress Shop, 506 South Washington street, will be opened. at 9 a. m. Friday, it has been announced by the owners, Greenfield.

Starr and Greenfield: The new' store will an entire now -stock of merchandise. Women's coats, suits, dresses and accessories, and a special line of fur coats will be sold by the store. Henry S. Greenfield, New York, will be here to supervise the opening of the store with C. O.

Paul, supervisor of the Indiana stores, assisting. The Val-U Dress Shop is one the 23 stores owned by the company. of the stores are locate'd in Indiana. Mrs. Blanche Ginney will be manager of the local store.

HEADS THETA RHO HARTFORD CITY, July 14 -Miss Maxine Smith was installed as president of the Theta Rho Girls club at its regular meeting Tuesday night the I. 0. 0. F. Clyde Hardin, district deputy of: district 31, of the Rebekah assembly, served as installing officer.

Helen Stump, vice president; Mary Monfort, secretary, and Lois Russe, treasurer, were also installed. PARENTS OF DAUGHTER HARTFORD CITY, July 14 -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Markin are parents of a daughter, born Wedat the Blackford nesday afternoon CONVERSE REPORTS CONVERSE, July Esther Circle class of the Church of Christ wAs entertained Tuesday, night at the home of Mrs. Vern Warnock, south of town.

Devotions were led by Elsie Taylor. In absence of president, Faye. Gift conducted the business meeting. Contests were held and prizes were won by Nell Highley and June. Rust.

Refreshments. were served by the, committee consisting of Elsie Taylor and Maggie Warnock to the following: Tampa Warnock, June Rust, Moble Middlesworth, Ethel Johnson, Bessie Smith, Bertha Green, Martha Maple, Mae MacKenzie, Faye Gift, Maggie Noland, Sadie Frey, Della Cable, Marguerite Grubb, Hallie Pence, Edna Pence, June Thoma's, Nell Highley, Anna Sumpter, Martha Maple, Kathleen Highley and Evadine Taylor. Mrs. Pence is improving from. a recent illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Sam Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Powell and family, Mishawaka, is spending the week here with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Oren Reynolds. Mrs. Walter Powell, Kalamazoo, spent the past week here with her sister, Mrs. Clara Bryant. Deloss Seeley, Seattle, arrived this week to be the guest of his sister and family, Mr.

and Mrs. D. E. Robinson. Mrs.

Thomas Bader and sons left. Wednesday for Phoenix, after spending a few wecks here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoades and Mrs. Iva Rhoades.

county. hospital. Markin is the junior member of the firm of Baxter Markin, local morticians. MAN, FINED $100; SET BEAT OUT WIFE, CHARGES Olga D. Pierce, Marion, was fined $100 and costs on assault and battery charges, after a jury in hours.

yesterday and found him guilty. He was alleged to: have beaten his wife several times. The 'Pacific ocean's tropical. waters contain many clams weighing as much as 400 pounds. CLEAN CREST ROOMS THIS 4: SIGN Means what it Says AT THOUSANDS OF STANDARD OIL LAFONTAINE, July The Y.

C. F. club will meet Thursday with Mrs. Leroy Calloway. Mr.

and Mrs. T. C. Richards were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Curtis Wiley, Marion. Susannah Shenefield spent from Thursday to Sunday with Helene Oliver, Urbana. Mrs. Nellie Moore spent. the weekend with her daughter, Mrs.

Von Lemming and family. near Sweetser. 4 Mrs. Julia Mendenhall has returned to her home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Sinclair and family, near Lincolnville.

Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Shaffer, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shaffer, Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Cenear Wabash, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brane and family and Mr. and Mrs.

Charles McFarland and son, near Marion, were among guests entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, Huntington, in honor of Mrs. Charles Burke, Detroit. Mrs.

Burke and Mrs. Johnson spent Tuesday with Mrs. Shaffer. Bert Miltenberger, Fort Wayne, spent Sunday at the Lawrence and Lemoine Miltenberger homes. Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Matthews, Lincolnville; were Sunday guests of Mr. and Drs.

Bert Matthews and family. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hiatt and family, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Ruble and family, Hartford City. and Mrs. John Richards and family, Matthews, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Richards and son.

Mrs. Byron Troyer, South Bend, called on relatives here Tuesday. Glen Duffey and A. Ferguson spent Monday, and Tuesday in Indianapolis. Mrs.

C. F. Troyer and Mrs. Rose Hill attended the Garden Club at Marion Monday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Dan Stuber and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stuber were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Stuber and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.

Clark. left Wednesday for Normal, where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Sherman Waggoner Mr. Waggoner, Mr. Clark, will spend some time in Kemp, Ill.

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Watson called on Mr. and Mrs. Elva Stovens, Sweetser, Sunday night.

Mr. Stevens is critically ill. K. A. Parker, Homer Stephens, Warren Sheffield and John Boys, Warsaw, returned Tuesday from a 10 day trip into northern Michigan and Canada.

Bernice. and Jane Hill, Indianapolis, called on friends here Monday. Jane is spending the week in Somerset with the Maple family. Those from this community who attended the Wabash County Hustlers club at the Chester high school building Monday night were Phoebe Brubaker, Blood, Bonnie Dalrymple, Charles Wright, Alice and Edith Sutton, Robert Bowman, James Whiteraft, Ben Stands, Dee Shaffer, Max Brubaker, I. J.

Jones, Evelyn Jones, Wilma Dalrymple, Mabel, Mildred and Leonard Miller and, Ruby Smith." The Christian church Ladies' Aid will meet July 22, with Mrs. Joe Armstrong. PLAN SERVICES FRIDAY FOR DROWNING VICTIM HARTFORD CITY, July 14 -The funeral of Robert Junior Roach, ten, one of nine children of. Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Roach, who was drowned Tuesday afternoon, in the Newbauer gravel pit, at the south edge of the city, will be conducted from the Grant Street Methodist church, Friday at 2 in charge of Rev. Chester McGriff, Muncie. Burial will be in the 1. 0. 0.

F. cemetery. Coroner Bryce P. Meldy, this city, announced that his verdict would be "accidental drowning." A pulmotor and respirator was used on the youth for more than a' half hour before three physicians announced their efforts futile. The father, a WPA worker, had been home from his work only about a half hour when informed of the tragedy.

Thirteen "bad" coins, including lead slugs and an Alabama tax token, have been droped in the collection plate at South church, Springfield. since The collection included coins from Canada, Cuba and Jamaica. One dist. was "Alabama Tax Commission." SAL Sears PRE INVENTORY Sale MEAN SALES JOBS Prices Because These Offerings Severely. Find What Are You Incomplete, We Have Cut Groups, and We Will Guarantee You a Want In These Various Tremendous Saving.

FOR TWO We Must Completely Clean Out Inventory. These 98c WASH PANTS Be comfortable in these cool PantsAll sizes. 88c $1.49 Summer PANTS Well made, smart, sanforized-. All sizes $1.19 29c Summer CAPS All styles. Mesh, Linen, CovertMany sizes.

19c 79c NECKWEAR Stripes, Plaids, Many summer shadesWashable 49c 70c POLO SHIRTS Cool mesh knit, Zipper front. Small size only. 49c $1.00 POLO SHIRTS A new cool fabric. New colorsAll sizes. 78c 19c SHIRTS, SHORTS Swiss Ribbed Shirts.

Fancy Broadcloth Shorts. All sizes 15c 69c UNION SUITS Cool. light weight Union Suit, short sleeves long legs, all sizes' 49 STRAW HATS Good quality straw for harvest or sportAll 10c 59c Summer SHORTS For Boys -Fancy and plain. All sizes 39c $1.69 DRESS SHIRT A fine quality shirt, fancy and plain patterns $1.39 98c BOY'S SHIRTS Good quality BroadclothAll White, only- 49c SAVE AT SEARS SALES MEAN JOBS '1' CRUSADE SEARS. 505 South Washington DAYS ONLY These Odds and Ends Before Prices Will Do It! $2.49 WHITE SHOES Choice of Buck, Kid or Ventilated- Many sizes $1.98 $1.49 Vent'ed Oxfords Summer comfort at low price.

White, black 1:29 or brown, all sizes $1.39 Children's Shoes Choice of black, white or brown in Oxford or 88c 10c WORK SOCKS Heavy Cotton Knit in toe and heel. Black or brown 8c 49c TENNIS BALLS Xpert Championship live balls. High quality White only. 25c 49c BAMBOO POLES 12 Ft. Jointed Bamboo fishing pole.

A A real buy. 39c 98c Baseball BATS A clearance of Ball Bats. All Official: League 49c 1.19 SEAT COVERS Good quality fabric for front seat only 98c $1.98 SEAT COVERS Tailored to fit all cars.Fancy patterns, .49 Covers all 12c MOTOR OIL A high quality Mid-Continent crude in bulk only, qt. 8c $1.98 PISTON RINGS A complete set of high Fords quality or rings for 95c 29c AUTO WAX Clean up your car. Preserve the finish at this low price.

10c 19c Polishing Cloth Chemically treated for car or Furniture 9c 89c Step-on Kitchen Cans 10 Fancy quart decoration. 59c 98c BREAD BOX fancy Hinged top finished. lid- 49c Allstate ROEBUCK Street FRIDAY SATURDAY $2.98 FREEZERS $1.19 ELECTRIC FAN 2 qt. heavy duty freezer- 8" Blade with shield. No wood- radio tub.

interference $2.19 88c $7.75 Electric Freezer $3.49 ELECTRIC FAN A real buy. 2-qt. size. heavy A heavy duty 9" bladewood tub- $5.98 guaranteed with 5 $2.69 $4.98 Gasoline Lamp $1.19 Electric IRON Closeout on gasoline lamps. 6 'Lb.

standard Iron, special Complete with $2.98 priced, less pump, 97c 39c SPRAYER 98c Kitchen LIGHT Pint size container. Ideal All white base with 8 inch for fly globesprays 19c less bulb 79c 50c FLY-TOX 5c Flashlight Cells Pint of nationally adv. ger- Fresh stock, give many micide. For all 39c. hours of servicehousehold Standard 22 10c Fly Swatters 59c FLASHLIGHT Long lightweight handle Standard 2-cell light with heavy chrome case.

rubber head. 5c with cells. 39 49c Window SCREENS 98c Unfinished Chair Adjustable type 24" 20" Sanded ready for you to to 33" 12. mesh decorateblack 35c Built strong 79c $2.98 Screen Doors 98c CARD TABLE size. Heavy frame.

Well built, folding type16 mesh with good galv. $2.49 top 69c $6.75 Garden HOSE 4: 24c Felt Base Mats 50 ft. of heavy red hose, 18" 36" Heavy weightin. size. guar- Many anteed 5 $5.47 colors 13c $1.19 HOSE REEL $1.98 FLOOR LAMPS Heavy wood frame.

Will Bronze finish with parchhold 100 ft. ment 1 hose 98c shade 98c $1.19 Garden HOSE $67.50 Axminster Rug 25 ft. of good quality "Like Wilton" hose. Complete Firmest with 98c weave $44.88 29c HOSE NOZZLE $39.50 Studio Daveno Heavy cast brass. Fits all 'Bed-Hite" with chrome sizes of hose.

Ad- arm. Ideal justable 25c for any room $29.88 $1.19 SPRINKLERS $49.95 Bedroom Suit Three Arm Sprinkler, cov- 3 Pc. Poster Bed, Mirror, ers an area 98c Vanity5 to 35 sturdy built $39.95 5c DOOR SPRINGS $6.95 OCC. CHAIR Heavy coil spring for screen Walnut -rich tapesdoors- try uphol14 inch. 3c stery $4.98 LIGHT BULBS $25.95 Kero.

Range Westinghouse high quality 5 Hi-speed burners- -Builtbulbs-15 to in 60 10c oven $19.95 Tires, Off List Price AND CO. 7 Phone. '2020.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.