Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1.7 Min 0 3 4. 1 1 Yule Party, Exchange: Held By Girls' Unit Christmas party and gift exchange was held by members of the 1-Tri class of First Christian church recently at the church. Games were played and prizes awarded Carol Fogle. Refreshments were served Donna Reiff, Wilodene Campbell, Joyce Gossett, Ann Silberman, Wanda Wilson, Ruth Lucky, Carol Fogle, Jane Harreld, Katherine Boswell, and the sponsors, Mrs. Robert Boswell and Mrs.

Orville Rosene. Pormen-Leonard Rites Read At Gaston Gaston, 1 rites were read Dec. 15 for Miss Vonnie Leonard, Van Buren, and Russell, the Pormen, latter. Gaston, at the Rev. Jessie Mitchell officiated at the double ring ceremony.

The couple was attended by Mrs. Mary Davis, Gas City and Roscoe Crosby, Marion, brother of the bride. The bride was attired in an aqua street length dress with a corsage of Camelias. Mrs. Davis chose a dress of carnations gold and crepe sweet with a pea's.

corsage Following the wedding a reception was held for several guests. The couple will reside on a farm one and one-half miles east of Gaston. Y- Teen Triangle Holds Christmas Party Here Christmas party was held reat Washington school by members of the eighth grade Y- Teen triangle. Carol Fogle and Mary Jo Mitchell planned for the party. Sally Pearson, Velma Enyeart and Alta Belle Wright were members of the refreshments committee.

Contests were conducted prizes awarded Marlene Swarts and Mary Ann Scott. Those present were Lois Bruner, adviser, Judy Wilcox, Hope Alleman. Sally Pearson, Velma Enyeart, Wanna Morris, Betty Surber. Mary Catherine Townsend. Alta Belle Wright, Marlene Swarts, Mary Ann Joan Zabst.

Erlene Stephenson, Delene Montgomery, Beryl Ann Speece, Violet Higginbotham, Opal Howard, Carolyn, Mitchell Baker, and Carol Herring. Fogle. Mary We Have Beautiful UPHOLSTERING FABRICS Drape and Slip Cover Materials On Display at Our New Store BROWN-TRUEBLOOD FURNITURE Inc. 40th and State Road 37 Bypass Phone 976 Parties Are Given Preceding Dance At Coliseum, A Annual' Tri-Kappa charity ball, Highlight of Yule season activities In preceded by several parties Thursday night. Among those entertaining were Miss Joan Gartland, West Fourth street, who was hostess to a group of friends at a buffet supper.

Mr. and Mrs. David Ruley, West Second street, and. Mr. and Mrs.

Jay Barney, West Third street, entertained guests preceding the dance. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, 1224 West Fourth street, were hosts to friends at dinner party at their home, while W. B.

Stephenson entertained several members of his family at Meshingomesia Country His included Mrs. Soul C. E. Stephenson, Kalamazoo, Miss Mildred of Stephenson Ann Arbor, Mich, John Moser, both. Sherman Hayes and his orchestra provided music for dancing at Memorial Coliseum.

Gaily decorated Christmas and, baloong were featured decorations. Approximately 800 persons attended. Mrs. Horning Hostess to Triple Four Club Members of the Triple Four club were entertained recently with a dinner party at the home of Mrs. Dan Horning, West Sixth street.

Dinner was served to the following guests: Mra. Rex Alexander, Mrs. Frank Hoover, Mrs. Thurman Biddinger, Ira Parsons, Mrs. Waldo Oatess, Mrs.

Clarence Buck, Mrs. Ted Achor, Mrs. Fletcher Mills, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Clyde Godwin.

Prizes were awarded Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Parsons, and Mrs. Godwin, Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Buck, Spencer avenue.

CALI 1772 COMPANY AT BUTLER'S RECORDS FOR EVERY TASTE POPULAR RECORDS A Gal' in Calico Benjie's Bubble Benny Goodman What've You Got to Easy Pickin's Frankie Carle 0 Bagel and Lox Rogue River Valley The Charioteers 0 At Sundown To Me Tommy Dorsey D' There Is No Breeze Guitar Boogie Alvino Rey Temptation September Song Grosby. Linda So They Tell Me Charlie Spivak Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Everybody Has a Laughing Spot Johnny Mercer Make Believe Why Do I Love You Allan JonesO Boogie Woogie Etude Blues Jose Iturbi Morena Touradas En Madrid Xavier Cugat Shake the Boogie Mean Old llighway Sonnyboy Williamson O.No Children Allowed I've Loved You Too Long to Forget Wesley Tuttle Long Gone Baby, One Little Teardrop Too Late. Bob Atcher 0 MissouriDivorce 'Me C. 0. D.

Merle Travis Rose of the Alamo Me Go Where You Go, Amigo Rosalie Allen 0 Rocked in the Saddle I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine Roy Rogers Phone or mail your order in if you wish Please check records wanted. i Butlers 180 PERSONALS Robert Stanley, South Washing. ton street, left Thursday for Grosse Point, where he will be the guest of Miss Carolyn Hutson, student at Purdue Uinversity, West Lafayette. Mr. and Mrs.

Phillip Tyler and son returned today to Columbia, after spending the holidays with Mrs. Leo Gartland, West Fourth street. Miss Barbara Merritt has returned to Chicago after spending Christmas as the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Merritt, North Nebraska street. Mrs.

S. E. Barney, Chicago, is. spending the holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Shawley, South Washington street. Robert Dillon, 104 South street, ig. visiting friends in, Chicago, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl L. Wert, Southport, and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wert children, Jerry and Sandra, South Bend, have returned to their homes after spending the Christmas holiday with Mayor and Mrs.

Edward Wert and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Althouse and Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Althouse, Albion, were holiday guests of relatives and friends. Mrs. George Keppel, Logansport, is visiting Mrs. O. H.

Raabe, Mrs. Melvin Cain and Mrs. Abbie Hudson. Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Tukey returned Thursday from Indianapolis where they were guests Christmas Day of Mrs. Tukey's sister and brother in-law. Mr. and Mrs. CorMr.

and Mrs. Ben Gallion have returned to their home after spending the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bancroft and daughter, Lynn, Fondulac, Wis. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul H. Reardon Mrs. Mae L. Reardon were guests Christmas Day of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter G. Reardon, Downey, Ill. Mrs. Mae Reardon will main in Downey until January.

Mrs. Lucy Barris, West Third street, spent the holidays with her daughter, Miss Ellen Blue, ChicagQ. and other relatives. Secret Pals Gifts Given At Shu-Ta Club Members of the Shu-ta club met recently at home Mrs. Martha Glacken, VA Secret pals exchanged gifts and Mrs: -0.

H. Sinclair and Mrs. Edwin Bogue told Christmas stories. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs.

P. J. Fisher, and Mrs. Bogue. Dinner was served guests in Christmas packages.

Those present were Mrs. Herbert Huston, Mrs. Bert Keese, Mrs. Meredith Fowler, Mrs. Paul Stuck, Mrs.

William Nichols, Mrs. 'J. Earl Baugher, Mrs. Laura Sharp, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs.

Bogue and Mrs. Fisher. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Nichols, 515 West First street. Guests Attend Dinner At Wilcox Home Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Wilcox were hosts to a group of friends at a dinner party Christmas at their on Highland avenue. Table decorations included red Land white tapers. Gifts were Guests were Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Cedervin Joy, Clevert Joy and son, Jack Joy, Indiana University; Mrs. Minnie Smith, Swayzee; Mrs.

Gertrude Bash, Chicago; Gladys AnIrew and son, Fort Wayne. Other callers were Miss Phyllis Nelson, Miss Sandra Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cox and son. Women's Relief Corps Elects Officers Meeting of the Women's.

Relief Corps, Gen. Shunk. J'ost No. 63, was held recently at the GAR hall. Mra.

Allie Roof, president, conducted the business session and Mrs. Gertrude Culbertson read scripture. Officers elected for the new year include Mrs. Frank Schwaiger. senior vice-president; Lewis, junior vice Mrs.

Viola McCoy, treasurer; Miss Susannah Culbertson, secretary, and Mrs. Culbertson, chaplain. Mrs. Leo Wildoner will serve as conductor. Myra Bond Church Unit Holds Meeting Mrs.

V. O. Pinkerton entertained. the Myra Bond circle First Friends church. at her home.

Devotions entitled "Peace." were given by Mrs. Roy Dempsey. Christmas story was presented by Mrs. Robert Bowman. Mrs.

Pinkerton was accompanist for group singing. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Robert Pence, Mrs. D. M.

Carey, Mrs. Dempsey, Mrs. Harold SLEEK SKI TOGS- Action-free design and weather -proofed cloth used in new ski togs promise snug comfort for the sportswoman. The sleek. gray gabardine suit, left, has tapered slacks and hooded, back -buttoned shirt.

A zippered fur attached to a red leather belt, takes the place of pockets. Instead of a sweater, the skier, right, chooses a free-swinging Swiss ski smock which has one enormous flap pocket in front. Mrs. Lee Are Hosts for Family Dinner Family dinner was -held recently at the home of- Mr. and Mrs.

Emory Lee, Van Buren. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Verlie Lee, Huntington; Mr. and Mrs.

Gale Lee and daughter, Banquo; Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Leer and children, Mount Etna; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapman and Mrs.

Verlin Rinerson, Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Satterthwaite and son, Fairmount; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rinerson, Chicago; Mrs.

May Lee. and Miss Mary Hefner, Banquo; Madaline Kirkpatrick, Huntington; Mr. and' Tim Satterthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Bragg and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Hall, James and Kenneth Thompson. New Officers Revealed By Church Class New officers of the Builder tion church were announced today Booster class of the First, Chrisby Russell Hutchinson, "reelected president for the new year. Brice Harreld will serve as first vice Forrest Richards. second vice-president; Mrs.

John Jessup, secretary; Mrs. Don Humes, assistant secretary; Ira Parsons, treasurer and William N. Stiles. assistant Retiring officers include Vaughn Tinkle and Robert Heal, vice-presidents and Mrs. Brice Harreld, secretary-treasurer.

C. L. Carter will continue. as class teacher. Family Potluck Dinner Held At Gear Home Mrs.

Minnie Gear was hostess to a family potluck dinner recently at her home, 1324-South-Branson street. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brookshire and children; Mr. and Mrs.

William Gear, Mr. Mrs. William Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gear and children, Mrs.

Lucile Hyatt and children, Mrs. Rhoda Bragg, Leonard Gear, Howard Gear and Rollie Baptist Church Scene Of Class Dinner. Harmony class of the First Bap-1 tist church held its Christmas dinner and party. Friday at the church. Hostesses were Miss Josephine Martin, Luella Norman, Lucille Smith and Elmira Carter.

Gift was presented to Mrs. Bertha Erwin, teacher. Mrs. Frank Schoenberger gave two readings and contests were conducted. Prizes were Mrs.

Mabel Savage, Mrs. Mickey Harris, Mrs. Fred Draves, Miss and Lucille Smith. Guests, Mrs. present Harris, were Mrs.

MI's. Savage, Carl Miss Gladys Grewer, Miss Irwin, Mrs. E. L. Hurley, Mrs.

Draves, Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. Joe Schell, Mrs. Courtna Adamson, Miss Minnie Steelman, Mrs. Delbert Rust and Mrs.

Schoenberger. County Calendar JANUARY 1 Mill Township Economics club-Mrs. Earl Swisher. Wilkins, Mrs. Robert Mrs.

Robert Bowman, Mrs. Mary Leapley, Mrs. Pinkerton, Mrs. J. B.

Wolfe, and Mrs. Harley Faulkner. STYLED FOR SMALL FRY--Now that the young fry are wearing crisp white blouses right.qround the clock, designers are solv. ing the 'problem of supply with cottons take on either -a knock -about or a party-going skirt; a pinafore, or a fancy jumper dress. Sturdy cottons, which are as washable as canvas sails, but lose none of their pert appeals; as the two shown above, pleases mother as much as the tots.

PERSONALS their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Street, Monroe Christmas dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Chester Chenoweth, Fast Grant street, were, Mr. and Mrs. Alva D. Korporal, Van Buren; Mr.

Mrs. Frederick Everhart, Pfc. and Mrs. A. D.

Korporal, Larry Dee; Marion, T. J. -Blakely, Jonesboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunch, near Hanfield.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ellison, 1323 West Nelson street, has returned to their home after spending Christmas with her niece, Mrs. Richard De Vries, Ada, and her sister, Bertie Flawsom and family, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr.

and Ms. W. H. Metz. Indianapolis, have returned to their home after spending two weeks with the latter's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cole. Mr.

Metz has Pfc. Alva D. Korporal Jr. Fort is spending the holidays with Mrs. Grant Korporal street.

and and their son. East friends and relatives in Marion. Miss Jeanne Young, senior Indiana University. And her brother. Dick Young: Purdue freshman, are spending their vacations at the home of their mother, Mrs.

Gladys B. Young. Dick Young will leave Friday Lansing. Mich. where he will guest at the home of Mr.

Mrs. Oral R. Cooper. former ion residents. Miss.

Suzan Jane Ulrich. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack entered Marion. General Hospital Wednesday for an emergency L' pendectomy.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas and daughters, Janet Lee and Ann. l'ennville; Mr. and Mrs.

Clark and daughter, Jacqueline: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinshaw, Miss Norma All of Lynn: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hinshaw, Winchester: were holiday guests Mr.

and Mrs. Herscel Thomas, South Wigger street, Mrs. W. T. Stewart and West Sixth spent mas at the home of Mr.

and Morgar And family: Anderson. A Mr. and Mrs. Richardand daughters. Penny and Nancy.

Albion, left Marion Washington, D. after spending Christmas with -the fatter's ents, Mr: and Walter Tukey, 711 1 West. Serenth: street. serving as secretary -Congressman G. W.

'Gille; Wayne. Mrs. L. A. Prickett, West Fourth street, is the Christmas holidays as guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Dr.

and Mrs. David Price and children, Ann, David and Martha. don. 0. -Dr.

and Mrs. Paul Benedict son, Paul spent Christmas Mrs. Benedict's mother, Mrs: ry Ostrom, Greencastle. Mr. and Mrs.

Stuart Fish daugbter, Jean, are the guests Mrs. Martin Levassure, Sioux Falls, S. Mrs. 'Martin Levassure, Fort Wayne and Mrs. Cleo Trout.

apolis Scripps-Howard offices to Detroit, where they will make their home. and Mrs. Charles Pollard and Mrs. Shell Collins spent Christmas as guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Blaine Addison, Knightsown. Other guests were Mrs. Pollard's daughter and- son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and son, Tommy, Connersville, and Mrs.

John Addison, Carthage, Mrs. Edgar McKown is spending several days in New York City ag the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kenney. Mr.

and Mrs. N. H. Hollings. worth and son, Eddie, South Washington street, left Thursday for Miami, where they will spend several weeks.

Dinner guests Christmas Day of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leming, 926 Lincoln boulevard, included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harreld, Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Good and children and Miss Mary Ellen Dilts. Other guests were Mr. and Government SURPLUS OFFERINGS AIRFORCE OFFICERS FINEST DEERSKIN LEATHER GLOVEMITS-Baby lamb lining. A natural grain gauntlet that the.

will U. make S. a Gov't. life-time $6.43 pr. driving Our glove.

price Cost --pr, to $4.97 FLYERS GABARDINE COVERALLS--Made of fine all -wool forest green gabardine. Two-way zipper front, swing Gov't. $12.42. Sizes 38, 40 and 44 -pr. shoulders, other features.

Cost to the $8.95 U. S. NAVY ALEUTIAN CLOTH PARKA COAT- pile. lining throughout. 41" long with lined hood.

Ideal for Sizes 42 and 46. outdoor work or sport. $17.50 .18" Natural EXTRA color. THICK Sizes 9, WOOL 10, 11 SOCKS- and 13---pr. $1.29 SKI PATROL SHOES Heavy retan leather uppers.

Leather and rubber soles. Square toes, double. wool felt inner. All soles, sizes in reinforced and counters widths. and vamps.

------pr. $8.95 7 COTTON Herringbone O. D. weave. FATIGUE Sizes 40 and -pr.

$4.98 BRUNT'S SOUTH MARION Marion, Indiana, Chronicle December 27,:1946 Mrs. Wright Is Hostess to Scout Troop Party Christmas. -was held recently at the home of Mrs. Fred Wright, West. Third street for members of Girl Scout Troop No.

1. Gifts, exchanged and Mrs. Wright received: a gift, from the group. Those present were Nancy Burnan, Arlene Case, Carolyn Denton. Bonnie Goodpaster, Beverly Marley.

Sonya Scott. Yvonne Willhite. Judy Jo Wickham. Donna Pyles, Mardyn Woolman. Patty Eara.

Higginbotham, Dee Ellen Stotts; Marjory Reese. Mra. Mrs. Harold Wilrox. Mrs.

Elda Burnan and- Mrs. Wright. CLUB ENTERTAINED Members of the West Point club were entertained recently with a gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Briner. Games, and contests were conducted for entertainment.

Refreshments were served to Mrs. Emma Schrandt, Mrs. Bertha Schrandt. Mrs. Sadie Sprowl, Mrs.

Minnie Shaffer and Mrs. Mame llarris. WHEN COLDS STRIKE Many modern mothers are chang. ing from remedies to clean, white, scientifically medicated QUICK PENETRO ACTING RUB Mary David and of song for parMr. to Fort A.

Mary Char- and with Hen- and of GEORGE ST. 2117 METHODIST. CHURCH George Street Sunday School 0:30 A'. M. Morning Worship A.

M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Watch Night Service F' Tacaday Evening. Dec.

Slat, 8:00 P. M. Worship the Lord With Us in Sermon, Song. and Praise Service. Rev.

Milo A WELCOME TO ALL Pastor MILO BOWSMAN. Pastor: GUESTS ENTERTAINED AT YULE PARTY AT' POSEY RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Posey entertained several guests recently at a party at home. Songs were sung by the group and gifts distributed.

Those present were Mrs. Marie Bilbee and grandchildren, Carol Ann and Merl D. Eller; Mrs. Clyde Davenport and Mary Ann, Jackie and Michael; Mrs. Robert Chenoweth, Billy Michael Roberts, Mrs.

Lenora Lowden, Mrs. Levina. Imler, Mrs. Robert Hulley son. David; Mr.

and Mrs. "Robert Seward and daughters, Janice, Jorene 1, Bobby Kay; and Mrs. Claud Sprowl and granddaughter, Laverna Jane; Mrs. Mark Galtabach and son, Michael Hawkins; Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Michael, Mary Evelyn erts, Jane Mrs. Bogue, Mrs. Leighton Wilbur Deal, Parish Mona and daughter, Lois Ann; Mrs. Nellie Way, Miss Mary Shroal, Regina and John Shroal, Mrs. Charles Blanchard and grandchildren, Marilyn, Ferrol and Tressa; Mrs.

Paul Thompson and sons, Robert and Paul, Sandy Patterson, Patricia Persinger and Judy James. Miss Stout to Be Guest At Party Saturday Miss Stout, Long Beach, formerly of Marion, will be the guest of honor at an open house which. will he held by several friends. Saturday night at the home Ruth Grogg, West Second, street. Plans have been made for the party to- be held between 7:30 and 9 p.

m. For several years Miss Stout was- office manager at Marion General Hospital. She left Marion last April to make her home in California. TEENS CAROL Members of the Emily. E.

Flinn home were honored recently with Christmas caroling by members of the Y- triangle of three junior high schools. Miss Margaret Farley, seventh grade adviser at McCulloch, served as song leader. Following the caroling the girls were. guests of Miss Dorothy 'Haskell, Miss Harriett White and members of the inter-cluh. council at the YWCA' where refreshments were served.

Approximately sixty girls participated. CLEARANCE Use Your Xmas Money and Save Children's Cotton Dresses 00 Dresses, Blouses, Aprons REDUCED TO GROUP. 2 Daytime Dresses 98 Blouses Sweaters Maternity Dresses Housecoats REDUCED TO: ALL SALES FINAL 4 House N' Town Shop 103 East 3rd St. HILL'S SHOE DEPT. Main Floor STORE YOUR FASHION Debutante 11 looking expensive We've and 598 I 498 25 I Wondrous Selection! -R Black Brown: 1 Timed New Plastic Right Year's and For Party Suede.

1. Evening Sandals 398 498 Gold and Silver High and Wedgies 1. We've All the Swankiest in SPORT OXFORDS ANY SMART STYLE 1. 398 to 498.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.