How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (2024)

When I got engaged, I had no idea where, when, or how to start creating save the date cards. Knowing how to design your cards and what information needs to go on them can feel like a daunting task. But don’t worry, this guide will help! Save the date cards are important to set the tone for your event and provide necessary details for your guests. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the purpose of a save the date card, how to create a save the date card with Minted, and offer tips for crafting a message that is clear and concise for your guests. You’ll be on your way to designing beautiful save the dates that will wow your guests.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (1)

by elsa duncan

Let’s get started!

Understanding the Purpose of a Save the Date Card

Save the dates differ from wedding invitations in many ways. The most notably, however, is they are more informal than traditional invites. Instead of explaining everything about the wedding, save the dates provide just a few main details. Consider save the dates the first official “announcement” about your wedding and a way to share the exciting news: you’re getting married and you picked a date!

The most important thing to note about save the date cards: do NOT send save-the-dates to guests unless they are absolutely, 100% confirmed on your guest list. :) A save the date also gives them a “heads-up” they are invited, so it is crucial you don’t send a mass mailing to everyone you know. Limit the mailing to your officially invited guests.

Benefits of Sending Save the Date Cards

Why do people send them at all? These cards aren’t just fun to mail: they increase the chances of attendance by a whopping 85%! Guests who know the date and location in advance are more than likely to keep the date open and attend your celebration.

Next, let’s talk designing your cards.

Designing Your Save the Date Card

What to Include

Here are the items that should be included on a save the date card:

The Date

The date: make it large, easy to read, and include the full date with day, month, and year.

The Location

The location: share the city and state (or destination) where the ceremony will be held. No need to include the venue names just yet… save that for the invitations. :)

The Names

The names of the engaged couple: who is getting married? Include first and last names so guests know exactly who is tying the knot.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (2)

by kaydi bishop

Choosing a Design

Pick a design that resonates with the theme and style of your event. You may not be sure yet about the colors, style, and formality of your wedding; that’s OK. It’s still very early in the wedding planning process. Opt for a simple design that will tie into nearly any style, and remember that your save the dates do NOT have to coordinate with your invitations. They are two separate items. However, if you have these details early on, you can certainly make the pieces coordinate thanks to the suites available at Minted.

You can even get a matching wedding website for a completely cohesive wedding stationery suite.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (3)

by sarah knight

Colors, Fonts, and Graphics

Make your save the date card visually appealing by incorporating stylish colors, pretty font faces, and graphics or photos of the two of you. This is where your artful side will come into play, so have fun with it and spend some time creating different designs to see what you and your partner like best.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (4)

by ashlee townsend

Use Photos

Everyone loves to see your smiling faces, so consider including a photo in your save the date card design. If you’re not sure what type of photo to use, consider utilizing some of your engagement photos or a favorite snapshot of the two of you.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (5)

by elsa duncan

Need more help? You can utilize Minted’s “text your photo” service which enables you to send in a photo and have mock-ups created using your photo. This will help you decide which style looks best with the picture you want to use.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (6)

try it now

Just text, upload, and see an example! It’s so easy.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (7)

by brooke chandler

Or opt for a non-photo style, which is beautiful, too! This champagne tower style is one of the biggest trends this season.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (8)

by jackie crawford

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (9)

by jackie crawford

This heart-shaped locket save the date by Ani Somi is another popular trend this season. Love the coquette detailing with the bow! Here’s an example of the save the date card and matching website, both available here.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (10)

by ani somi

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (11)

by ani somi

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (12)

by ani somi

Next, let’s talk about your message.

Crafting Your Message

Write a concise and clear message for your save the date card by making the font easy to read – and by adding a personal touch. If you’re more of a fun-loving couple, consider a casual flair. Looking for a formal style? Use an elegant typeface and bold black-and-white styling to bring your vision to life. Consider different card options and read the wording options to craft a message that sounds like it is written by the two of you.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (13)

by megan davis

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (14)

by itsy belle studio

Printing and Sending Your Save the Date Card

Once you select a style, it’s time to print! You can opt for different printing options available at Minted, whether you want a classic ink printing, a fancy foil-press design, or a luxurious look and feel with letterpress, like this stunning example:

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (15)

by meagan christensen

► You can browse design options here to suit your needs.

PRO TIP: Remember, you only need to send one save the date card per household, not per person! This may dramatically reduce the number of cards you were originally planning to order. :)

Once you select your printing style, don’t forget you’ll need envelopes and postage to mail them out. As a nice (complimentary) bonus, Minted offers free addressing and free envelopes with your order. So, rather than hand-writing your envelopes or hiring a calligrapher to do it, you’ll have a more personal touch with printing that looks just like hand-addressing. It looks like this:

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (16)

by meagan christensen

Your cards arrive ready to mail: just insert the cards into the envelopes, add postage, and mail.

It’s so easy!

Now that you know how to create a save the date card, you’re ready to start designing yours! Click here to browse Minted and find a card you’ll love. They have beautiful designs crafted by independent artists, so you’re supporting small businesses along the way.

NOT SURE YET? Get a FREE personalized sample to see the quality for yourself! Get yours free here.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (17)

By following this guide, you can easily create a save the date card that will impress your guests and set the tone for your event. Don’t forget to share your creations with us and happy planning!


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How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (18)

Emma Arendoski

Emma is the CEO of Emmaline Bride, The Handmade Wedding Blog, published author, leading wedding expert, and wedding planner. Read her latest book: The Inspired Wedding. Wife, mother, coffee lover. Follow on Instagram and at Emmaline Baby for baby + kids inspiration.

How to Create a Save the Date Card: A Simple Guide (2024)


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