How To Say "Baby" In Spanish: Translation, Slang, And Terms Of Endearment | FluentVista (2024)

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Looking for the translation of “baby” in Spanish? Explore formal and informal terms, slang, and regional variations for expressing affection in Spanish speaking countries.

Translation of “Baby” in Spanish


In Spanish, the most common translation for “baby” is “bebé.” This term is widely used and understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Whether you are referring to a newborn, an infant, or a young child, “bebé” is the go-to word.

Niño/Niña pequeño/a

Another way to refer to a “baby” in Spanish is by using the phrase “niño pequeño” for a boy or “niña pequeña” for a girl. This translates to “little boy” or “little girl” and is often used to describe toddlers or young children.


The word “infante” is a more formal term for “baby” in Spanish. It is derived from the Latin word “infans,” meaning “unable to speak.” While less commonly used in everyday conversation, “infante” is often seen in formal or written contexts.

When it comes to translating “baby” into Spanish, these three options – “bebé,” “niño/nina pequeño/a,” and “infante” – cover various stages of infancy and childhood. Whether you are addressing a newborn, a toddler, or a young child, these terms will serve you well.

Now, let’s explore some Spanish slang words for “baby” in the next section.

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Spanish Slang for “Baby”


In certain informal contexts, you might hear the slang terms “chiquitín” or “chiquitina” being used to refer to a “baby” in Spanish. These terms are affectionate and convey a sense of endearment towards the child. They can be translated as “little one” or “little one.”


“Peque” and “paquete” are other slang terms that are occasionally used to refer to a “baby” in Spanish. These words are more commonly used in certain regions or among specific social groups. Similar to “chiquitín” and “chiquitina,” these terms convey affection and fondness towards the child.


“Nene” for a boy and “nena” for a girl are informal ways to say “baby” in Spanish. These terms are commonly used among family members or close friends. They are often used when addressing or referring to a young child in a casual and affectionate manner.

Spanish slang offers a variety of ways to express endearment towards a “baby.” From “chiquitín” and “chiquitina” to “peque” and “paquete,” these terms add a touch of familiarity and warmth to the conversation.

Next, let’s explore terms of endearment for “baby” in Spanish.

Terms of Endearment for “Baby” in Spanish


One of the most commonly used terms of endearment for “baby” in Spanish is “cielo,” which translates to “sky” or “heaven.” This word is often used as a way to express love and affection towards a child. Calling someone “cielo” is like saying they are the most precious thing in your life.

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“Tesoro” is another term of endearment that means “treasure” in Spanish. It is often used to convey the idea that the child is incredibly valuable and cherished. Calling someone “tesoro” is a way of expressing how important they are to you.


“Amorcito” is a diminutive form of “amor,” which means “love” in Spanish. This term of endearment is commonly used to express deep affection towards a “baby.” Calling someone “amorcito” is like saying they are your little love.

These terms of endearment – “cielo,” “tesoro,” and “amorcito” – are frequently used to express love and affection towards a “baby” in Spanish. They add a personal and emotional touch to the conversation, portraying the strong bond between the speaker and the child.

Now, let’s explore regional variations for “baby” in Spanish.

Regional Variations for “Baby” in Spanish

Guagua (used in parts of Latin America)

In certain parts of Latin America, particularly in the Caribbean and some Central American countries, the word “guagua” is used to refer to a “baby.” This term originated from the indigenous Taíno language and has become integrated into the Spanish dialects of these regions.

Mocoso/Mocosito (used in some Spanish-speaking countries)

In some Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Latin America, you might hear the terms “mocoso” or “mocosito” being used to refer to a young child or a “baby.” These terms, which can be translated as “snotty” or “runny nose,” are often used informally and may carry a playful or affectionate connotation.

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Churumbel (used in Spain)

In Spain, the term “churumbel” is sometimes used to refer to a “baby.” This word is more commonly used in certain regions and may not be familiar to everyone in the Spanish-speaking world. It conveys a sense of endearment and is often used in a playful or affectionate manner.

These regional variations – “guagua,” “mocoso/mocosito,” and “churumbel” – highlight the rich diversity of the Spanish language. Depending on the region or country, different words may be used to refer to a “baby,” showcasing the unique linguistic characteristics of each location.

Now, let’s explore the formal and informal ways to say “baby” in Spanish.

Formal and Informal Ways to Say “Baby” in Spanish

Formal: Bebé

When it comes to formal contexts, such as official documents or professional settings, the term “bebé” is the appropriate and widely accepted way to refer to a “baby” in Spanish. This term maintains a neutral and respectful tone, suitable for formal communication.

Informal: Nene/Nena

In informal settings, such as among family members or close friends, the terms “nene” for a boy and “nena” for a girl are commonly used to refer to a “baby” in Spanish. These terms add a personal and affectionate touch to the conversation, reflecting the close relationship between the speaker and the child.

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Informal: Chiquitín/Chiquitina

Another informal way to say “baby” in Spanish is by using the terms “chiquitín” or “chiquitina.” These words are often used in a familiar and affectionate manner, conveying a sense of endearment towards the child. They are commonly used among family members or close friends.

Whether you are in a formal or informal setting, there are appropriate ways to refer to a “baby” in Spanish. “Bebé” is the formal term, while “nene/nena” and “chiquitín/chiquitina” are informal options that add a personal and affectionate touch to the conversation.

Spanish Slang for “Baby”


Chiquitín or chiquitina is a Spanish slang term used to refer to a baby or a young child. It is an endearing term that conveys a sense of smallness and cuteness. When you call someone chiquitín or chiquitina, you are expressing affection and fondness towards them. It is often used within families and close circles to refer to a baby or a young child.


Peque and paquete are two other Spanish slang terms that can be used to refer to a baby. Peque is short for pequeño or pequeña, which means small in Spanish. Paquete, on the other hand, is a colloquial term that can be translated as “little package” and is often used as a term of endearment for babies. These terms are informal and are commonly used in everyday conversations.


Nene and nena are Spanish slang terms used to refer to a baby or a young child. They are similar to the English terms “little boy” and “little girl.” Nene is used to address a baby boy, while nena is used to address a baby girl. These terms are informal and are commonly used in casual conversations and among family members.

When using these slang terms, it is important to consider the context and the relationship between the speaker and the person they are addressing. These terms are more commonly used in informal settings and may not be appropriate in formal or professional situations.


In summary, Spanish slang offers a variety of terms to refer to a baby or a young child. Chiquitín, peque/paquete, and nene/nena are all informal and endearing ways to address a baby in Spanish. These terms add a touch of affection and familiarity to conversations and are commonly used within families and close circles.

Terms of Endearment for “Baby” in Spanish


Cielo is a beautiful term of endearment in Spanish that translates to “heaven” or “sky” in English. It is often used to express deep affection and love towards someone. When calling someone “cielo,” it is like telling them they are the most precious and cherished person in your life. This endearing term can be used for both males and females.


Tesoro means “treasure” in Spanish, and it is another sweet term of endearment used to express love and affection. Calling someone “tesoro” is like telling them they are invaluable and irreplaceable in your life. It is a way of acknowledging their importance and the joy they bring to your existence. This endearing term can also be used for both males and females.


Amorcito is a diminutive form of “amor,” which means “love” in Spanish. It is an affectionate term used to refer to someone as “little love” or “darling.” This endearing term conveys a sense of fondness and tenderness towards the person being referred to. It is a way of expressing how much you care for them and the special place they hold in your heart. Amorcito can be used for both males and females.

In Spanish-speaking cultures, using terms of endearment like “cielo,” “tesoro,” and “amorcito” is a common way to show affection towards loved ones. These expressions create a warm and intimate atmosphere, strengthening the bond between individuals. They are often used in romantic relationships, between parents and children, or even among close friends.

By using these endearing terms, you can make your interactions more personal and heartfelt. They add an extra layer of emotion and warmth to your conversations, making the other person feel cherished and loved. Whether you are addressing your partner, your child, or a dear friend, using terms like “cielo,” “tesoro,” or “amorcito” can deepen your connection and create a sense of closeness.

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Remember, the key to using terms of endearment effectively is to ensure they are appropriate for the context and the relationship you have with the person. It’s important to consider the level of intimacy and familiarity before using these expressions. What may be suitable for a romantic partner may not be appropriate for a casual acquaintance.

Using terms of endearment in Spanish can bring a touch of sweetness and affection to your conversations. They allow you to express your feelings in a more personal and heartfelt way. So, go ahead and sprinkle your conversations with some “cielo,” “tesoro,” and “amorcito” to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you.

Term of EndearmentTranslation
AmorcitoLittle Love/Darling

Regional Variations for “Baby” in Spanish

Guagua (used in parts of Latin America)

In parts of Latin America, particularly in the Caribbean and some Central American countries, the term “guagua” is used to refer to a baby. This word originated from the indigenous Taíno language and has been incorporated into the Spanish spoken in these regions. Using “guagua” to refer to a baby can be seen as endearing and affectionate.

  • Guagua is a commonly used term for a baby in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.
  • The word is also used in some parts of Venezuela and Ecuador, among other countries.

Mocoso/Mocosito (used in some Spanish-speaking countries)

In certain Spanish-speaking countries, such as Mexico and Argentina, the terms “mocoso” and “mocosito” are used to refer to a baby. These terms can be translated as “snotty” or “runny-nosed,” but when used in this context, they are meant to be playful and affectionate.

  • Mocoso and mocosito are informal terms used among family and close friends.
  • These terms are often used in a lighthearted manner and can be seen as a way of expressing fondness for the baby.

Churumbel (used in Spain)

In Spain, the term “churumbel” is used to refer to a baby. This word has a playful and affectionate connotation and is commonly used among family members and close friends. Using “churumbel” to refer to a baby adds a touch of warmth and familiarity to the conversation.

  • Churumbel is a term mainly used in Spain, particularly in the regions of Castile and León.
  • The word is not as widely used in Latin American countries.

When it comes to regional variations for “baby” in Spanish, the language showcases its diversity and adaptability. Different regions have their own unique terms of endearment for babies, adding richness and cultural nuances to the language. Whether it’s the indigenous influence of “guagua” in Latin America, the playful affection of “mocoso” and “mocosito” in some Spanish-speaking countries, or the endearing familiarity of “churumbel” in Spain, these regional variations highlight the beauty of language and its ability to evolve within different cultures.

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Formal and Informal Ways to Say “Baby” in Spanish

Formal: Bebé

Bebé is the formal way to say “baby” in Spanish. This term is commonly used in formal settings, such as when addressing a newborn or referring to a young child. It is a straightforward and widely understood term that can be used in any Spanish-speaking country.

When using the term bebé, it conveys a sense of endearment and tenderness towards the child. It is a neutral term that can be used for both boys and girls. For example, you might say “¡Eres un bebé muy lindo!” (You are a very cute baby!) when complimenting a baby’s appearance.

Informal: Nene/Nena

In a more informal setting, the terms nene and nena are commonly used to refer to a baby or young child. These terms are often used within the family or close circles, and they carry a sense of familiarity and affection.

Nene is used to refer to a baby boy, while nena is used for a baby girl. For example, you might say “¡Ven acá, nene!” (Come here, baby boy!) or “¡Mira qué linda, nena!” (Look how cute, baby girl!) when talking to a baby.

These terms are often used by parents, grandparents, or close family members when addressing or talking about a baby. They create a sense of warmth and closeness within the family or social circle.

Informal: Chiquitín/Chiquitina

Another informal way to say “baby” in Spanish is by using the terms chiquitín or chiquitina. These terms are more specific and convey a sense of smallness and affection towards the baby.

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Chiquitín is used for a baby boy, while chiquitina is used for a baby girl. These terms are often used in a playful and affectionate manner. For example, you might say “¡Hola, chiquitín!” (Hello, little one!) or “¡Ven acá, chiquitina!” (Come here, little girl!) when interacting with a baby.

These terms are commonly used within the family or close circles and can create a sense of intimacy and endearment towards the baby. They reflect the playful and affectionate nature of the relationship between the speaker and the baby.

Overall, the formal way to say “baby” in Spanish is bebé, while the informal ways include nene/nena and chiquitín/chiquitina. Each term carries its own nuances and levels of familiarity, allowing speakers to express their affection and endearment towards the baby in different ways.

How To Say "Baby" In Spanish: Translation, Slang, And Terms Of Endearment | FluentVista (2024)


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