1. [PDF] Multiple HCPS Students Accessing itslearning on a Shared Device
If you have more than one HCPS student sharing the same device, follow these steps: Student #1. 1. Using an Internet browser (Chrome recommended) Navigate ...
2. [PDF] Accessing itslearning - SharpSchool
Open Google Chrome; you must use Chrome to access all itslearning features. 2. Go to start.hcps.org. 3. Click on the itslearning tile.
3. [PDF] Accessing itslearning from Home - SharpSchool
2nd Log in with your HCPS account: 1st Click on itslearning. On a Cell Phone: Consider downloading the App or go to Harford.itslearning.com.
4. ItsLearning will be replaced in upcoming school year; Teachers go ...
7 jun 2022 · After several years of using the learning platform known as ItsLearning, HCPS is making changes for the upcoming year. ItsLearning is ...
After several years of using the learning platform known as ItsLearning, HCPS is making changes for the upcoming year. ItsLearning is, “a learning management system [online platform] that allows teachers to have an online component alongside their traditional instruction. Beginning in the fall, students and staff will be introduced to Canvas, a similar platform. Canva...
5. Shifting to Canvas: A Weekly Update - Smore
For the 2021-22 school year, itslearning will continue to be the HCPS Curriculum Management System and Learning Management System, housing all curricular ...
Learning Management System Transition On July 1, 2022, Canvas will replace itslearning as the platform where curriculum is developed and...
6. Instructional Technology Updates
2 sep 2021 · itslearning will continue to be the HCPS Curriculum Management System and Learning Management System for the 2021-22 school year, ...
Itslearning itslearning will continue to be the HCPS Curriculum Management System and Learning Management System for the 2021-22 school...
7. Harford County Public Schools Selects itslearning to Deliver Digital ...
12 aug 2014 · In addition to seeking a platform that would enable the use of a digital classroom, HCPS selected itslearning to reduce the total cost of ...
As part of its initiative to move toward digital delivery of instructional content, the Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) district in Maryland has partnered with itslearning to provide a learning p
8. Improvement of cryo-EM maps by simultaneous local and non-local ...
3 jun 2023 · This means that the model trained without SSIM loss tends to yield an overfitted result with local distance as low as possible to its learning ...
Cryo-EM has emerged as the most important technique for structure determination of macromolecular complexes. However, raw cryo-EM maps often exhibit loss of contrast at high resolution and heterogeneity over the entire map. As such, various post-processing methods have been proposed to improve cryo-EM maps. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to improve both the quality and interpretability of EM maps. Addressing the challenge, we present a three-dimensional Swin-Conv-UNet-based deep learning framework to improve cryo-EM maps, named EMReady, by not only implementing both local and non-local modeling modules in a multiscale UNet architecture but also simultaneously minimizing the local smooth L1 distance and maximizing the non-local structural similarity between processed experimental and simulated target maps in the loss function. EMReady was extensively evaluated on diverse test sets of 110 primary cryo-EM maps and 25 pairs of half-maps at 3.0–6.0 Å resolutions, and compared with five state-of-the-art map post-processing methods. It is shown that EMReady can not only robustly enhance the quality of cryo-EM maps in terms of map-model correlations, but also improve the interpretability of the maps in automatic de novo model building. Map post-processing is crucial for cryo-EM modeling building. Here, the authors present a deep learning approach to improve both the quality and interpretability of cryo-EM maps by simultaneously considering local and non-local effects.
9. CAMH Public Courses
Your responses will help us understand whether the course is meeting its learning objectives, and how it can be made better. Your participation is voluntary ...
Mental Health 101s: Post-course questionnaire Feedback
10. Claude Waddington on LinkedIn: #digitaltransformation #pharma ...
9 nov 2022 · Many of 2022's in-person and online pharma conferences discussed the topic of 'Transformation' - be that in the way in which we engage the HCPs,
Many of 2022's in-person and online pharma conferences discussed the topic of 'Transformation' - be that in the way in which we engage the HCPs, patients, R&D,…
11. School Status and Improvement Report School Year 2015-16
2 nov 2016 · Waikele Elementary expects all members of its Learning Community, ... The HCPS Science assessment is given in grades 4 and 8. High School ...