kazoo.recipe.lock — kazoo 2.10.0 documentation (2024)

"""Zookeeper Locking Implementations:Maintainer: Ben Bangert <ben@groovie.org>:Status: ProductionError Handling==============It's highly recommended to add a state listener with:meth:`~KazooClient.add_listener` and watch for:attr:`~KazooState.LOST` and :attr:`~KazooState.SUSPENDED` statechanges and re-act appropriately. In the event that a:attr:`~KazooState.LOST` state occurs, its certain that the lockand/or the lease has been lost."""import reimport timeimport uuidfrom kazoo.exceptions import ( CancelledError, KazooException, LockTimeout, NoNodeError,)from kazoo.protocol.states import KazooStatefrom kazoo.retry import ( ForceRetryError, KazooRetry, RetryFailedError,)class _Watch(object): def __init__(self, duration=None): self.duration = duration self.started_at = None def start(self): self.started_at = time.monotonic() def leftover(self): if self.duration is None: return None else: elapsed = time.monotonic() - self.started_at return max(0, self.duration - elapsed)

[docs]class Lock(object): """Kazoo Lock Example usage with a :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance: .. code-block:: python zk = KazooClient() zk.start() lock = zk.Lock("/lockpath", "my-identifier") with lock: # blocks waiting for lock acquisition # do something with the lock Note: This lock is not *re-entrant*. Repeated calls after already acquired will block. This is an exclusive lock. For a read/write lock, see :class:`WriteLock` and :class:`ReadLock`. """ # Node name, after the contender UUID, before the sequence # number. Involved in read/write locks. _NODE_NAME = "__lock__" # Node names which exclude this contender when present at a lower # sequence number. Involved in read/write locks. _EXCLUDE_NAMES = ["__lock__"]

[docs] def __init__(self, client, path, identifier=None, extra_lock_patterns=()): """Create a Kazoo lock. :param client: A :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance. :param path: The lock path to use. :param identifier: Name to use for this lock contender. This can be useful for querying to see who the current lock contenders are. :param extra_lock_patterns: Strings that will be used to identify other znode in the path that should be considered contenders for this lock. Use this for cross-implementation compatibility. .. versionadded:: 2.7.1 The extra_lock_patterns option. """ self.client = client self.path = path self._exclude_names = set( self._EXCLUDE_NAMES + list(extra_lock_patterns) ) self._contenders_re = re.compile( r"(?:{patterns})(-?\d{{10}})$".format( patterns="|".join(self._exclude_names) ) ) # some data is written to the node. this can be queried via # contenders() to see who is contending for the lock self.data = str(identifier or "").encode("utf-8") self.node = None self.wake_event = client.handler.event_object() # props to Netflix Curator for this trick. It is possible for our # create request to succeed on the server, but for a failure to # prevent us from getting back the full path name. We prefix our # lock name with a uuid and can check for its presence on retry. self.prefix = uuid.uuid4().hex + self._NODE_NAME self.create_path = self.path + "/" + self.prefix self.create_tried = False self.is_acquired = False self.assured_path = False self.cancelled = False self._retry = KazooRetry( max_tries=None, sleep_func=client.handler.sleep_func ) self._acquire_method_lock = client.handler.lock_object()

def _ensure_path(self): self.client.ensure_path(self.path) self.assured_path = True

[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel a pending lock acquire.""" self.cancelled = True self.wake_event.set()

[docs] def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None, ephemeral=True): """ Acquire the lock. By defaults blocks and waits forever. :param blocking: Block until lock is obtained or return immediately. :type blocking: bool :param timeout: Don't wait forever to acquire the lock. :type timeout: float or None :param ephemeral: Don't use ephemeral znode for the lock. :type ephemeral: bool :returns: Was the lock acquired? :rtype: bool :raises: :exc:`~kazoo.exceptions.LockTimeout` if the lock wasn't acquired within `timeout` seconds. .. warning:: When :attr:`ephemeral` is set to False session expiration will not release the lock and must be handled separately. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The timeout option. .. versionadded:: 2.4.1 The ephemeral option. """ retry = self._retry.copy() retry.deadline = timeout # Ensure we are locked so that we avoid multiple threads in # this acquistion routine at the same time... method_locked = self._acquire_method_lock.acquire( blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout if timeout is not None else -1 ) if not method_locked: return False already_acquired = self.is_acquired try: gotten = False try: gotten = retry( self._inner_acquire, blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout, ephemeral=ephemeral, ) except RetryFailedError: pass except KazooException: # if we did ultimately fail, attempt to clean up if not already_acquired: self._best_effort_cleanup() self.cancelled = False raise if gotten: self.is_acquired = gotten if not gotten and not already_acquired: self._best_effort_cleanup() return gotten finally: self._acquire_method_lock.release()

def _watch_session(self, state): self.wake_event.set() return True def _inner_acquire(self, blocking, timeout, ephemeral=True): # wait until it's our chance to get it.. if self.is_acquired: if not blocking: return False raise ForceRetryError() # make sure our election parent node exists if not self.assured_path: self._ensure_path() node = None if self.create_tried: node = self._find_node() else: self.create_tried = True if not node: node = self.client.create( self.create_path, self.data, ephemeral=ephemeral, sequence=True ) # strip off path to node node = node[len(self.path) + 1 :] self.node = node while True: self.wake_event.clear() # bail out with an exception if cancellation has been requested if self.cancelled: raise CancelledError() predecessor = self._get_predecessor(node) if predecessor is None: return True if not blocking: return False # otherwise we are in the mix. watch predecessor and bide our time predecessor = self.path + "/" + predecessor self.client.add_listener(self._watch_session) try: self.client.get(predecessor, self._watch_predecessor) except NoNodeError: pass # predecessor has already been deleted else: self.wake_event.wait(timeout) if not self.wake_event.is_set(): raise LockTimeout( "Failed to acquire lock on %s after %s seconds" % (self.path, timeout) ) finally: self.client.remove_listener(self._watch_session) def _watch_predecessor(self, event): self.wake_event.set() def _get_predecessor(self, node): """returns `node`'s predecessor or None Note: This handle the case where the current lock is not a contender (e.g. rlock), this and also edge cases where the lock's ephemeral node is gone. """ node_sequence = node[len(self.prefix) :] children = self.client.get_children(self.path) found_self = False # Filter out the contenders using the computed regex contender_matches = [] for child in children: match = self._contenders_re.search(child) if match is not None: contender_sequence = match.group(1) # Only consider contenders with a smaller sequence number. # A contender with a smaller sequence number has a higher # priority. if contender_sequence < node_sequence: contender_matches.append(match) if child == node: # Remember the node's match object so we can short circuit # below. found_self = match if found_self is False: # pragma: nocover # somehow we aren't in the childrens -- probably we are # recovering from a session failure and our ephemeral # node was removed. raise ForceRetryError() if not contender_matches: return None # Sort the contenders using the sequence number extracted by the regex # and return the original string of the predecessor. sorted_matches = sorted(contender_matches, key=lambda m: m.groups()) return sorted_matches[-1].string def _find_node(self): children = self.client.get_children(self.path) for child in children: if child.startswith(self.prefix): return child return None def _delete_node(self, node): self.client.delete(self.path + "/" + node) def _best_effort_cleanup(self): try: node = self.node or self._find_node() if node: self._delete_node(node) except KazooException: # pragma: nocover pass

[docs] def release(self): """Release the lock immediately.""" return self.client.retry(self._inner_release)

def _inner_release(self): if not self.is_acquired: return False try: self._delete_node(self.node) except NoNodeError: # pragma: nocover pass self.is_acquired = False self.node = None return True

[docs] def contenders(self): """Return an ordered list of the current contenders for the lock. .. note:: If the contenders did not set an identifier, it will appear as a blank string. """ # make sure our election parent node exists if not self.assured_path: self._ensure_path() children = self.client.get_children(self.path) # We want all contenders, including self (this is especially important # for r/w locks). This is similar to the logic of `_get_predecessor` # except we include our own pattern. all_contenders_re = re.compile( r"(?:{patterns})(-?\d{{10}})$".format( patterns="|".join(self._exclude_names | {self._NODE_NAME}) ) ) # Filter out the contenders using the computed regex contender_matches = [] for child in children: match = all_contenders_re.search(child) if match is not None: contender_matches.append(match) # Sort the contenders using the sequence number extracted by the regex, # then extract the original string. contender_nodes = [ match.string for match in sorted(contender_matches, key=lambda m: m.groups()) ] # Retrieve all the contender nodes data (preserving order). contenders = [] for node in contender_nodes: try: data, stat = self.client.get(self.path + "/" + node) if data is not None: contenders.append(data.decode("utf-8")) except NoNodeError: # pragma: nocover pass return contenders

def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.release()

[docs]class WriteLock(Lock): """Kazoo Write Lock Example usage with a :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance: .. code-block:: python zk = KazooClient() zk.start() lock = zk.WriteLock("/lockpath", "my-identifier") with lock: # blocks waiting for lock acquisition # do something with the lock The lock path passed to WriteLock and ReadLock must match for them to communicate. The write lock can not be acquired if it is held by any readers or writers. Note: This lock is not *re-entrant*. Repeated calls after already acquired will block. This is the write-side of a shared lock. See :class:`Lock` for a standard exclusive lock and :class:`ReadLock` for the read-side of a shared lock. """ _NODE_NAME = "__lock__" _EXCLUDE_NAMES = ["__lock__", "__rlock__"]

[docs]class ReadLock(Lock): """Kazoo Read Lock Example usage with a :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance: .. code-block:: python zk = KazooClient() zk.start() lock = zk.ReadLock("/lockpath", "my-identifier") with lock: # blocks waiting for outstanding writers # do something with the lock The lock path passed to WriteLock and ReadLock must match for them to communicate. The read lock blocks if it is held by any writers, but multiple readers may hold the lock. Note: This lock is not *re-entrant*. Repeated calls after already acquired will block. This is the read-side of a shared lock. See :class:`Lock` for a standard exclusive lock and :class:`WriteLock` for the write-side of a shared lock. """ _NODE_NAME = "__rlock__" _EXCLUDE_NAMES = ["__lock__"]

[docs]class Semaphore(object): """A Zookeeper-based Semaphore This synchronization primitive operates in the same manner as the Python threading version only uses the concept of leases to indicate how many available leases are available for the lock rather than counting. Note: This lock is not meant to be *re-entrant*. Example: .. code-block:: python zk = KazooClient() semaphore = zk.Semaphore("/leasepath", "my-identifier") with semaphore: # blocks waiting for lock acquisition # do something with the semaphore .. warning:: This class stores the allowed max_leases as the data on the top-level semaphore node. The stored value is checked once against the max_leases of each instance. This check is performed when acquire is called the first time. The semaphore node needs to be deleted to change the allowed leases. .. versionadded:: 0.6 The Semaphore class. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The max_leases check. """

[docs] def __init__(self, client, path, identifier=None, max_leases=1): """Create a Kazoo Lock :param client: A :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance. :param path: The semaphore path to use. :param identifier: Name to use for this lock contender. This can be useful for querying to see who the current lock contenders are. :param max_leases: The maximum amount of leases available for the semaphore. """ # Implementation notes about how excessive thundering herd # and watches are avoided # - A node (lease pool) holds children for each lease in use # - A lock is acquired for a process attempting to acquire a # lease. If a lease is available, the ephemeral node is # created in the lease pool and the lock is released. # - Only the lock holder watches for children changes in the # lease pool self.client = client self.path = path # some data is written to the node. this can be queried via # contenders() to see who is contending for the lock self.data = str(identifier or "").encode("utf-8") self.max_leases = max_leases self.wake_event = client.handler.event_object() self.create_path = self.path + "/" + uuid.uuid4().hex self.lock_path = path + "-" + "__lock__" self.is_acquired = False self.assured_path = False self.cancelled = False self._session_expired = False

def _ensure_path(self): result = self.client.ensure_path(self.path) self.assured_path = True if result is True: # node did already exist data, _ = self.client.get(self.path) try: leases = int(data.decode("utf-8")) except (ValueError, TypeError): # ignore non-numeric data, maybe the node data is used # for other purposes pass else: if leases != self.max_leases: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent max leases: %s, expected: %s" % (leases, self.max_leases) ) else: self.client.set(self.path, str(self.max_leases).encode("utf-8"))

[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel a pending semaphore acquire.""" self.cancelled = True self.wake_event.set()

[docs] def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None): """Acquire the semaphore. By defaults blocks and waits forever. :param blocking: Block until semaphore is obtained or return immediately. :type blocking: bool :param timeout: Don't wait forever to acquire the semaphore. :type timeout: float or None :returns: Was the semaphore acquired? :rtype: bool :raises: ValueError if the max_leases value doesn't match the stored value. :exc:`~kazoo.exceptions.LockTimeout` if the semaphore wasn't acquired within `timeout` seconds. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The blocking, timeout arguments and the max_leases check. """ # If the semaphore had previously been canceled, make sure to # reset that state. self.cancelled = False try: self.is_acquired = self.client.retry( self._inner_acquire, blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout ) except KazooException: # if we did ultimately fail, attempt to clean up self._best_effort_cleanup() self.cancelled = False raise return self.is_acquired

def _inner_acquire(self, blocking, timeout=None): """Inner loop that runs from the top anytime a command hits a retryable Zookeeper exception.""" self._session_expired = False self.client.add_listener(self._watch_session) if not self.assured_path: self._ensure_path() # Do we already have a lease? if self.client.exists(self.create_path): return True w = _Watch(duration=timeout) w.start() lock = self.client.Lock(self.lock_path, self.data) try: gotten = lock.acquire(blocking=blocking, timeout=w.leftover()) if not gotten: return False while True: self.wake_event.clear() # Attempt to grab our lease... if self._get_lease(): return True if blocking: # If blocking, wait until self._watch_lease_change() is # called before returning self.wake_event.wait(w.leftover()) if not self.wake_event.is_set(): raise LockTimeout( "Failed to acquire semaphore on %s" " after %s seconds" % (self.path, timeout) ) else: return False finally: lock.release() def _watch_lease_change(self, event): self.wake_event.set() def _get_lease(self, data=None): # Make sure the session is still valid if self._session_expired: raise ForceRetryError("Retry on session loss at top") # Make sure that the request hasn't been canceled if self.cancelled: raise CancelledError("Semaphore cancelled") # Get a list of the current potential lock holders. If they change, # notify our wake_event object. This is used to unblock a blocking # self._inner_acquire call. children = self.client.get_children( self.path, self._watch_lease_change ) # If there are leases available, acquire one if len(children) < self.max_leases: self.client.create(self.create_path, self.data, ephemeral=True) # Check if our acquisition was successful or not. Update our state. if self.client.exists(self.create_path): self.is_acquired = True else: self.is_acquired = False # Return current state return self.is_acquired def _watch_session(self, state): if state == KazooState.LOST: self._session_expired = True self.wake_event.set() # Return true to de-register return True def _best_effort_cleanup(self): try: self.client.delete(self.create_path) except KazooException: # pragma: nocover pass

[docs] def release(self): """Release the lease immediately.""" return self.client.retry(self._inner_release)

def _inner_release(self): if not self.is_acquired: return False try: self.client.delete(self.create_path) except NoNodeError: # pragma: nocover pass self.is_acquired = False return True

[docs] def lease_holders(self): """Return an unordered list of the current lease holders. .. note:: If the lease holder did not set an identifier, it will appear as a blank string. """ if not self.client.exists(self.path): return [] children = self.client.get_children(self.path) lease_holders = [] for child in children: try: data, stat = self.client.get(self.path + "/" + child) lease_holders.append(data.decode("utf-8")) except NoNodeError: # pragma: nocover pass return lease_holders

def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.release()

kazoo.recipe.lock — kazoo 2.10.0 documentation (2024)


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