The San Antonio-area IKEA Is Now Open And Yes, Thousands of People Waited In Line For Hours (2024)


After waiting in anticipation for years, IKEA Live Oak finally opened its doors. Though technically not in San Antonio, the store is located at I-35 and Loop 1604, so San Antonians had no problem showing up for the grand opening. That's right – some people lined up as early as 1 a.m. for their chance to win free swag.


  • IKEA,
  • Live Oak,
  • Texas,
  • San Antonio,
  • free stuff,
  • giveaways,
  • grand opening,
  • furniture store,
  • meatballs,
  • Sweden

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The San Antonio-area IKEA Is Now Open And Yes, Thousands of People Waited In Line For Hours (2024)


When did IKEA San Antonio open? ›

IKEA Live Oak to Open Wednesday, February 13, 2019

IKEA U.S., the world's leading home furnishings retailer, today announced that its future San Antonio-area store will open at 9:00 a.m. CST on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. IKEA Live Oak will be the Swedish company's fifth store in Texas and the 49th in the U.S.

What is being built by IKEA in San Antonio? ›

After the in-store phase of research is completed, IKEA and its partners will use the findings to construct a Small Home built with trauma-informed design principles that will be donated to a local permanent supportive housing community in San Antonio.

Where is the oldest IKEA store in the US? ›

The first IKEA store in the United States opened nearby in Plymouth Meeting, PA in 1985, and relocated to become IKEA Conshohocken in 2003.

Why did IKEA close? ›

Ikea is the latest big name to announce it is closing all its stores. The Swedish home furnishings firm has announced it is closing all of its UK and Ireland branches as a result of the coronavirus crisis. The company has two major stores in the North West in Warrington and Ashton-under-Lyne in Manchester.

Where is IKEA furniture made at? ›

The five countries that supply the majority of products and services to IKEA are China, Poland, Italy, Germany and Sweden. The profile of our well-designed and high-quality product range is clearly Swedish/Scandinavian.

Does IKEA grow their own wood? ›

The wood used in IKEA products comes from many locations around the world. Here you can learn where it grows and how much we use, as well as the types of wood we source. You can also find out how we make sure it comes from responsibly managed forests.

What is the most complicated thing to build from IKEA? ›

That said, here are the Top 7 IKEA pieces that can cause much frustration:
  • #7 HEMNES Dresser.
  • #6 BRIMNES Storage bed.
  • #5 BRIMNES Daybed.
  • #4 STUVA Loft bed.
  • #3 KVARTAL Track system.
  • #2 BESTA Wall mounted unit.
  • #1 PAX Wardrobe.
Jun 28, 2015

When was IKEA opened? ›

Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA in 1943 at the age of 17, selling goods like pens and wallets. Småland, his home county in Sweden, was heavily forested with stony soil. Resourceful people who were expert at making the most of a little is a quality that has always been at the heart of IKEA.

When did IKEA Place launch? ›

The app, which launched on iOS in September 2017 and is now available on Android, lets anyone drop virtual furniture into their own homes and view it through their smartphone camera.

When did IKEA Twin Cities Open? ›

Grand opening of the Twin Cities Ikea store July 14 2004 located next to the Mall of America. Bloomington Minnesota MN USA.

When did IKEA have a restaurant? ›

The first IKEA store opened in Älmhult in 1958 with a small coffee corner, but in summer 1960 the store got a real restaurant called IKEA Baren, 'The IKEA Bar'. To begin with it only served coffee and cold dishes, but after investing in a Radar oven from America, a kind of early microwave oven, the range expanded.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.